This will be over $0.45 by the 10th of June, 21 days from now. UNIRONICALLY screenshot this

This will be over $0.45 by the 10th of June, 21 days from now. UNIRONICALLY screenshot this.

Attached: (191x300, 10K)

Req will moon once all the delusional req bulls dump it and someone fat fingers it on idex

Attached: 1526673239262.png (750x1334, 1.53M)

This but unironically. The sooner dumb reqtards sell at a loss, the sooner I can dump my heavy bags at 10 profit at least.

How much req for a girl like this?

10x, not $12 you pajeets

Fat fingers confirmed.
On the other hand Req $10 eoy.

Just a matter of time. Wikipedia alone will take this over a dollar.

just wait for the news from the french minister

REQ has the weakest bulls i have ever fucking seen
ICX for example has strong bulls
SUre it has its dumps but when it is time to pump it doesn't matter if there is a 200k sell wall in the way

A whale will market buy it, REQ on the other hand won't get through a 40k sell wall even though the price of the coins are 20c lmao

Just an example of the absolute shit this coin is
>Performance over everything
I'm trying to make gains here, you guys can jizz over the white paper if you want.

Attached: Brainlet.png (1300x2000, 288K)

REQ also has the shittiest speculation in the market.
>muh wikipedia

paypal deals in over 300 million dollars in transactions a day. If Req gets just 250 million dollars in transactions a month, thats over half a million tokens burned per month.

this is the next paypal

screenshot this

she's with a shitskin she's damaged goods

REQ singlehandedly destroyed my faith and enthusiasm in crypto
Fuck this shitcoin I don’t even care if it moons at this point

yeah it was the most heavily shilled when i got into the game and has done literally nothing but bleed since. even when it's in the green, the price is somehow down.

Sell me your bags then you weak handed little poof

I understand what you mean. It's a legit project that would help move the whole crypto space to mass adoption and nobody wants it. Kind of makes crypto seem like it will always be a bullshit ponzi. Pnds and chink hypes forever, no working products allowed. However I am still pretty bullish on REQ. The shitcoin purge will come user, it may be a long time though. Remember how long the last bear market was? I have some REQ in cold storage and I am just going to leave it there for years.

ETH wasnt mass adopted a few months after ICO. Give this one a year or two and ride the shitcoin pumps in the meanwhile.

you got in late breh

Attached: noshitbrah.png (600x440, 445K)

Attached: 152565607sdgf8627.png (329x425, 54K)