new map
New map
Why can't you Europeans just use "x" like normal people
wtf germany
Been done before
Why do some bosnians use the Swedish way? Which language in particular does it?
Probably different contexts.
Here we use «these» for typed text and „these“ for handwriting. Some exceptions apply, but they are well defined in our grammar.
Lazy cunts also often use "these" when typing.
>«these» for typed text
MS Word reverses them for me. For handwriting, that would be the same (or you can also just draw the apostrophes as straight lines)
But no one else around use the Sweish method
based us
this map is wrong...
this is correct. at least for Germany
"weird letters"? Is my knowledge of otherslavic correct in this?
cudzy - foreign, belonging to someone else
słowa - words
Holy shit wtf why would anyone use anything else than "this"?
oh, that sounds very typically Polish and thus weird
we just call it narekovaji, which means quotation marks
I guess it's not the word for punctuation symbols, but for the linguistic concept they are used to highlight.
>„Fuck off, cuckstamp Russia” – the Pole said.
We call it Пpямaя Peчь/Direct Speach. Foreign Words makes sense as well.
Based „”! Death to „ “ fags!!!
"I just do this desu"
It's nice to have an opening quotation mark and a closing quotation mark.
Looks more orderly.
»not using «this»
Swede here. That pic is wrong. We only use the following, nothing else ever:
anything other than "x" is cringe
This is correct for Sweden.
i use single quotes
We got taught German way in school but everybody actually use "" except for journalists who are the only ones to use
I thought everyone did "this"
"x" for quotes
'x' for quotes within quotes
Are other languages the same?
Wrong, "x" is far more common here, or „x“.
Although I like «x» more desu, aesthetically speaking.
Same goes for Finland. Never seen >>x>>
"This" is the way to go. Everybody else seems to be using it too no matter what the map says
I think the map is just about what is technically 'correct' in these countries. A lot of people might use "x" but that doesn't mean its correct.
It's not a country thing, but a language thing.
In German class we learned „x“
In English class we learned "x"
In French class we learned « x »
We only have one key for quotation marks. Programs like MS Word know this and format it correctly when you set the language. On the internet hardly any websites consider this, so it's English type quotation marks everywhere.
And it has an effect on people. I notice more and more using English type quotation marks even when they write by hand.
it's also kind of weird, because I only really see >>