The Yugoslavia we never got

The Yugoslavia we never got.

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I don't hate Muslims b
I only hate members of ethnicities where the majority was once Christian but converted to Islam

why was bulgaria never part of jugoslavia?

That's like 1/2 of all Muslims m8

Serbia and Bulgaria had some beef

No sweetie
Most Muslims are Arabians or SEA monkeys

arabs used to be christian

And Arabian =/= Arab

Attached: 1024px-Arabian_Peninsula_(orthographic_projection).png (1024x1024, 375K)

Most Levantines used to be Christians
I said Arabians, not Arabs

good, bulgars would ruin it just like they are ruining Macedonia now

Groups I hate:
Palestinians (Jews too but they're not included in this)
North Africans
Turks (their ancestors were Christian Anatolians)
The various Caucasian ethnic groups who converted to Islam
All converts

even the idea of Slovenia and Bosnia ever sharing a country is utterly ridiculous because the two have nothing in common, but Slovenia and could hardly find two more different countries in the whole of Europe, even though Slovenes tried really hard to adopt Balkan culture in the name of brotherhood following WWI and especially #2.

>even the idea of Slovenia and Bosnia ever sharing a country is utterly ridiculous because the two have nothing in common

Slovene women and Bosnian men often have common children though

Mat je Slovenka in fotr je od dol, vseen' oba si mislta, da sem čist nor!

They wanted to add us too but we signed with the nazis

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Our leaders wanted to, but Bulgaria's dictator was Stalin's bitch and thus didnt see to it.

ugh... what could have been...

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Imagine the carnage and destruction of a civil war fought inside those borders

Attached: pepeee.jpg (400x400, 25K)

I don't hate Christians b
I only hate members of ethnicities where the majority was once pagan but converted to Christianity

>Montenigger was bloodthirsty near me
Trump was right again

Arabians were christians/jews/pagans before islam.

GTFO out of my country Serve

What would be the name?

No one cares what you hate, I hate all Christians and Muslims.

they converted on their own imo. by the time it was made state religion the eastern roman empire was 50% christian.

islamiziation used sharia, massacres and ethnic replacement

S*rbs are all pathetic retards who should go die in a fire. The rest of the balkan is pretty okay to based.

>Unaware that the Abrahamic triology is all same
not very based and extremely bluepilled


Why Tito had to die?

NATO would bomb civillians and have it not considered as war crimes is this was real.

you can have yugoslavia, exept remove Kosova, Presheva, Sanxhak and half of Macedonia. Also southern Montenegro. Then you can have all the fun you want in your state, we will even make sure to never enter it, with a sign at the border: contamination area.

I believe I can fly.

Attached: The bestoflavia.png (533x503, 98K)

Just let's create Intermarium already...

Attached: Intermarium_Tarcza_Europy.jpg (1000x600, 309K)

>Being in the same political union with Ukraine
Hmm, I'm not sure about this

why tho?

bulgaria is jug and slavija

but albania?

Why not, there were only 1m people there in that time they would assimilate and become slavs too.

Because muh gains.

Tito-Stalin split. Tito refused to be a satellite to the Soviet Union so Stalin kicked him out of the Comintern and declared him an ideological heretic. Then Tito sent Yugoslav Stalinist to a labour camp on Goli Otok.

The Greek Civil War communists also had Stalinists and Titoist division in their ranks. Tito had the idea of "national communism", without the whole internationalist aspect of it.

Attached: Greater_or_Integral_Yugoslavia.png (606x641, 29K)

That's all nice and shit, but what we REALLY need is a tunnel.

Attached: czechoslovak yugoslav tunnel.png (1714x820, 764K)