This thing started trading on idex today and is top volume, sitting at around ICO price - one of the most legit projects by far. GET THE FUCK IN
This thing started trading on idex today and is top volume...
>around ICO price
Weren't the shills convinced this was going to an instant 3x?
waiting for it to dip back to atleast ico price. i fomo'd in last night at 0.00027 then felt like the nigger with the bag so sold again when it hit 0.0003
i refuse to be higher than ico hodler wall
t. pink wojak when this doesn't stop mooning and you realise you missed on 5000% for a 50% discount.
its gonna dump when the shartmericans who werent allowed in the ico go to bed
This shitcoin keep hitting it's ath and surpassing. Looks like it's picking up steam
Picked up 5k of these things. Look at the project, partnerships and the team. It has normie blockchain all over it. It's a non chink EVROPEAN Nuls.
Around ico price, ok.
ICO price was 14 cents, it's trading at 0.0003 (or 23 cents) right now.
Explain to me why it has to hit ICO price? This is being shilled on Twitter by some accounts right now. It's now or never buddy. Once a new shitcoin hits the top of IDEX on volume, that's it. It's game on.
ok ranjeet, enjoy your bags
it cant break 3 though, its gotta test at least 24 before it can pump
its definitely gonna dump back down to 0.00024 in a couple of hours
I didn't present argument that it should hit the ico price. I don't actually think it will. OP said it is trading at the ICO price, which is bs ofc, and which I corrected.
I bought at the ICO
You're right. Yeah .00024 is likely but who fucking cares. This normie coin is going at least to 100 mcap soon.
Holy shit! 3 has been broken!
Let's fuckin go! Hold on for the fomo boys
Whoever is not buying at this price is going to regret it so much in 1-2 days...
nope. it's acting exactly like HER and like FT. I'lll buy after it dips under ICO
This is my first ico and I'm up 38 eth. Kinda surreal
this anybody who isnt selling now and getting ready to rebuy is stupid as fuck
God the sell orders are so thick
everyone selling their stack to buy back when it corrects
This does not stop lol. Gonna hit .0004 at this rate. This shit already corrected a few times from this point, it's moon ready
Oh my god its not stoping, its really happening
and this is just the start... let that sink in
fuck i missed this
Haha. No you didn't, but feel free to stand by watch it fly user
its gonna dump again
dont fomo in
Is it though? I have some ETH waiting.. and every dip it keeps bouncing back. FUCK
wait for the shartmericans to go to bed
they were excluded from the ico. its going back down to ico price
this, no one's going to sleep on this risky play.
Pump does seem to be losing steam, I'll set buys up around 0.00026 then. Thanks anons.
when binance?
hahahahah btfo. amerisharts all went to bed
And going back up