

How do Americans afford to live in their own cities? The average home price is $1.6 million, even on a tech salary the math doesn't work out.

Attached: usofreedom.png (898x734, 757K)

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obviously paying for the land, not the shitty wooden house built on it.

and pricing out poor people is the end goal of any community, especially as the shitskin problem becomes more serious.

350k is probably a steal for a property that size in san francisco

The average price is not 1.6 million in the states, not even close.

you think we can afford this? kek fuck no why do you think more than half the worlds debt belongs to us?

regarding pic - either shoop or it's only worth what someone actually buys it for
did it sell for 350k?

350k would get you a mansion in my state i cant fucking fathom why someone would unironically want to live in SF LA NY or any of the other huge shitholes

No this is legitimate. SF is ridiculously expensive.

I was referring to San Fransisco, and it's a similar situation everywhere unless you're in a fly over state.

I would buy that shit with some cryptobros, stack some shipping containers on that shit and furnish the inside of them and rent them out for $3k a month

Well your state is probably a flyover shithole with a meth problem. LA and SF are overcrowded pits but a sane person could live anywhere else in CA for a somewhat decent rate

yeah but it's gotta be a shitpost link bait article right?
i'd question the sanity of the persons that actually agreed to pay 350k for that, so I'm going to continue to assume that it didn't sell for that

Because of "I want to be where the action is" meme

I don't get this meme. When was it ever "affordable" to live in a city?

Its a tear down obv. Some investor is going to build a luxury home or a apartment complex. No one is actually going to live in that condemned shack. They are buying the land.
fair enough, 650k tho kek

It looks like it would be comfy for a little person or a Mexican family.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-05-20-18-34-24.png (1280x720, 905K)

Most I know a literally living check to check yikes like just buy some crypto nigga

>765 sqf


you can literally buy whole castle in europe for this money
>muh SF
>muh gays and IT

This is actually a legit problem. Some big cities are getting to the point where a doctor can barely afford to buy a decent house.


Please don’t post Sergey’s house on biz.

>live in rural canada
>white af
>could buy 200+ archers with a literal mansion ontop of it for 800k-1m
>can buy a huge 3 story house for 200k
>can buy a decently /comfy/ house for 30k
How will cityfolks compete?

The average person is retarded when it comes to real-estate.

the alternative is living in "flyover territory" so naturally the hip crowd can't imagine anything but paying $2000 a month for rent

I wonder how much the renovation costed

>tfw no rural canadian archer army to claim the steppes
How many link do I need?

Attached: nomad.png (251x258, 65K)

Live in sydney, average home price >$1m despite the fact that the everything outside of the north and far east is complete trash.

The house i live in went from 1.6m five years back to 3m now, but i do live in one of the most affluent areas

>live in rural canada

No sane person wants to live in a cold, barren wasteland populated with inbred cousin fuckers

>not wanting to fuck your cousin
user i..

SF is a meme.

You can buy a 5 bedroom house with a giant backyard in any red state for 350k

The land is what has the value, but the house.

The prices in sf are insane because people are making insane amounts of money there. The situation pretty bad in Boston/Cambridge already but it’s going to get a whole lot worse.

well since a reno it 2x'd so I beg to differ

Its not that bad except for sf because everyone is a fucking rich tech fag. That and Jew York, rest of the cities like LA, Chicago, Dallas, Seattle, Houston are not as bad.