What's the next bitconnect, I'm a black man looking to make some quick cash

what's the next bitconnect, I'm a black man looking to make some quick cash

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any developments in the trial?


LOL did trayvon really get pinched ??

unironically bitconnect

Oh man. This is just too perfect.

nah they just served him. he has to appear in court or go to jail.


Anyone know the district and case# ?

I have a PACER account and will download the docket as it happens.

i've only seen this document so far

Attached: drvTfaN.jpg (1886x1053, 150K)

Ok, I can find it with that. I'm following a couple cases, I'll add this one to this list and if anything juicy gets filed I'll post it to Jow Forums


it's about fucking time. how many years could he get?

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can't wait

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Potential epic bread

>subject refused to give his name
>female with him immediately calls him "Tre"
What a mess.

>five foot eleven

Absolutely nothing is going to happen to Tre

will they ever learn?

Nice try, Trevor.

Your filings will be made public and posted here for lulz

Does it hurt knowing sub 6’ men have bigger dicks than you?