Why are f*rstoids moving out so early?

Why are f*rstoids moving out so early?
At what age is it no longer acceptable to live with your parents in your country?

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12, but I am almost Italian

17-19 you shoulld be off too college/working/military.

>At what age is it no longer acceptable to live with your parents in your country?

Because they have money and opportunities. It's not a coincidence that the bliest countries also have high unemployment. Nobody likes to live with their parents

before 20 is weird, 20-22 is most common and +23 is weird

My uncle is nearing his 50s and he still lives with my grandparents. He's working on his doctorate and he's in charge of a team maintaining one of the fastest supercomputers in region.

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Wow, based.

Because they are rich and their government literally pays them welfare if they are “poor”. It was always common to stay with your parents or move to your husband’s farmhouse. The secondary children where the ones that moved out but with our low fertility rate they don’t exist anymore.

Up to 25 is pretty normal, starts to become a bit weird after that. It's more common to live with your parents for longer in London because of the high rents though

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Share of 25-29 year olds still living with their parents.

>tfw 26 and living with dad

Croatian men are the ultimate NEETs

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wtf, is this because of poorfags and students? a lot of people move out in their teens over here, given their parents support them and they have a weekend job.

not so much about age. but if you dont move out for uni or an aprenticeship you move out after starting to work.

Yes I think it's because of financial reasons and people don't mind if someone lives with his parents unlike in the west.
In my uncle's case it's more from the fact that he's a permavirgin so no gf, wife, kids etc and therefore no need for a house. He's both employed and in education and he could afford to live someplace else I mean he has a high paying job and a holiday house.

the absolute state of latins

IMO it shouldn't count if your parents have to support you owning your own place. This is supposed to be about independence right?

Cause I know dudes who were playing a having their own place at 17/18, but in reality their rent was paid by parents and they had to move back in with them at the first sign of trouble.

I wouldn't even want my parents to expend lots of money on rent that is completely unnecessary just so I could feel like a big boy.

Moving out and renting at 18/19 is pretty common here, but its also common to just live with your parents in your early 20's to save money. i personally think 25 is the max, You SHOULD have your shit in order by then, if you dont have a solid career and you're broke living at home at that stage then you're a hopeless loser.

Im 24 and live at home, but im in the middle of building a house with a 100k deposit which i could not have done if i moved out and rented years ago.

>moving out of your ancestors' home

How come every single yugoslav i meet lives in a house their great great grandparents built?

>giorgio my son

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How come you aren't?

Vast majority of people would move out earlier, it's just that if they're a student or earn less than above average its not viable to rent a place, unless it's some rundown commieblock far away from city center.

I do

depending on where in the country, and what education you are getting it ranges between 21-24

It just doesnt work out that way and im not sure why exactly.

Everyone starts off with a shitty house then moves their way up to a nicer one a few times, then they die and their kids fight over the inheritance.

Farmers are the only people who might have a house over multiple generations