I'm fucking sick of this capitalist society...

I'm fucking sick of this capitalist society. We need to redistribute the wealth to even out the system and make it fair for everyone. I'm fucking sick and tired of hearing fat capitalist pigs like Jeff bezos adding 13 billion dollars to his net worth while paying his employees hardly anything.

This fucking system ran by courrupt corporate billionaire pigs needs to be re adjusted. I work as a warehouse man and barely get enough to provide for my family. The wage gap between the super rich and the blue collar people is way too much. We need to redistribute this fucking wealth.

I propose a 75% tax on anyone who makes more than $1,000,000 a year. This way the fucking billionaires will be brought down to the level of us hard working people.

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kys commie

I agree OP

this wont go well

For that to happen, you have to eliminate the top 1% and let the State sort it out

then those tax bux will just be reallocated to benefit for-profit businesses to cover their expenses, making sure that billionaires still don't have to pay anything from their own pockets

>has a family
you have too much user

Move to europe. They are already doing that

Fuck off dumb commie

It's not like Bezos is sitting on cash, do you not understand how stocks work? What do you expect, governments to steal from shareholders? What's the incentive for growth if there's no reward for risk?

Kek, this exactly

Stock value going up =|= cash Bezos is sitting on. What does OP think would happen if Bezos dumped his stock too?

We live in a society

no we don't, we predate on each other you mongol

Taxation itself is a lazy solution and introduces a negative reward signal for success. We can do better with technology.

Apparently Bezos would get the current USd market rate on all of his whale bags all at once. Crypto taught us that.

Redistributing wealth is a fucking meme
What the fuck does it even mean?
Should everyone get an equal amount of bitcoin?
Wealth is a meme

>I work as a warehouse man
This. I bet if you were in Bezos' position your view would change dramatically. You feel you don't have a lot but you want someone wealthier to subsidise your income. In other words, you want more than you have. So do the Jeff's of this world, and they got it. Typical commie; don't see aspiration as a positive thing, you'd rather drag everyone down to your level. Get a grip and use the energy you're wasting on envy and spite to better yourself and your family.

yea but when I work 14hr days why should some nigger who refuses to work get a % of my hard work?
fuck that

That's a great idea, I'm sure they'll stick around to get bled dry.

Same here user. In the UK the social system allows fat, idle fuckers with 5 kids called Callum or Jayden or Ronchelle-Denise a house, a car and money to survive. Paid for out of our taxes. It sucks, but I'm not expecting Richard Branson to pop round with an envelope stuffed with cash due to muh, hurt feelings of social injustice. Get a better job and put some financial and social distance between you and the mouth-breathers you hate so much.

its in the works user I can assure you. But in the mean time all I can do is grind my teeth and hate red bastards like op who have created this situation

workers get less pay not because they contribute nothing, they get less pay because they're replaceable.

so if you're getting paid less than you want it's probably because any faggot and their grandma can do your job and you're not special enough

Blockchain/Smart Contracts will change our economy. We will see the current Corporate capitalist society replaced with a Co-op capitalist society. It won't be based around redistributed wealth like you sick Commies want, but distributed wealth. What you yourself contribute will be tracked on the blockchain ledger & will be fairly distributed to you. No more corporate fat cats stuffing their pockets, but at the same time no socialist hellhole.

And when that happens there’ll a ton of new millionaire capitalists made thanks to ‘investing’ in the tech shilled on a Scottish unicycle repair forum. The irony is strong.

Please do. It will be hilarious watching the capital fight. Also I expect a part of it going into crypto where it can’t be expropiated by filthy commies, x20ing my coins.


The guilottine's coming back friend and the spoiled sons won't be spared :^)

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Socialism was tried before on multiple occasions.
Didn't work.
Not a single time.
It always comes crumbing down as soon as there are no more pockets to draw gibs from other than your own.

We need to cull the old.

>I propose a 75% tax on anyone who makes more than $1,000,000 a year
This was the effective tax rate before Thatcher in the UK. This was the tax rate on the years of highest economic growth for the country.
Makes you think...

Kill the jews

there, solved

then work your ass off like he did in the past, He didn't acquire his wealth by luck.
if you don't agree then just KYS.

In the UK, benefits fraud costs like 2 billion a year to the taxpayer. While tax evasion costs something like 25 billion. Yet it is the benefits fraud that always appears in the paper, while the rich fucks who get away with tax avoidance rarely are mentioned. You're a brainwashed puppet of the establishment son!

I'm sure your version of real communism will work op :)

REMINDER: 2/3 of the 1% weren't rich when they were born.

But this is EXACTLY what creepto is for, once the fed can't print money, and the banks can't lend money they don't have, there'll be little the government could do to help the rich.

Tax evasion is trying to avoid people taking money you rightfully earned. Benefits fraud is trying to get money you had no claim on in the first place you fucking brainlet

Nah 1 mil ain't that much. I propose 100% tax on anything over $100 million. Cause seriously who the fuck needs more money than that? Take that and redistribute it to benefit society.

Avoidance != evasion

These words have legal definitions and are not morally equivalent. If a couple provides housing at a loss, they should get a tax break, this is tax avoidance.

the state

nice buzzwording, please define both

this is either bait or leftypol raiding.
on the other hand, I would love to see UBI or something similar implemented in US. seeing the shitshow, capital flight, etc. would provide enough entertainment for decades.

perfect socialism was never tried though...

Then go to Venezuela or Cuba. But let us alone or you will pay

How could this be redistributive?

to everyone who believes that taxing/redistributing wealth works, please look at the achievements of socialism with an open eye, and heart. its murderous.

im not talking about management of societies ressources, such as publicly owned land, etc. im talking about the greedy, envious nature of people that makes them look at their neighbours house, and think to themselves, that they should have a house like that, too. go ask him how he built it. taking it away from him will harm you, him, and anyone around you

There is always a percentage of society who cannot work, due to either physical or mental illness / intelligence.
Currently the system's' bureaucracy makes fraud easy, but that shouldn't mean we should abandon people. I don't want to walk down the street staring at a bunch of homeless folk. Keep them fed and entertained, placate them and let humanity prosper in peace, without resentment and guilt.

>implying you can cash out net worth
kys commie

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thats exactly what it means
thats why you never disclose holding any
at some point, when the "state" is in crisis, someone will come knocking at your door, asking for gibs. robbers, friends, family, police, SS, pick one. greed and envy are the motivational drivers of todays, western socialism. its not equal access to education, or equal voting rights.

>I propose a 75% tax on anyone who makes more than $1,000,000 a year.
the purpose of crypto is laughing at this utterances

You are now aware that taxing the rich won't benefit you whatsoever.

It would just cause massive inflation.

The fact that these rich people aren't spending this money is a good thing, it means prices go down for everyone else.

The working class consumes 99% of all consumer goods.

You're a fucking idiot OP.


The only system which really exists and matters is the one where the intelligent prey on and manipulate retards like you. If you won't work as a tard slave under capitalism, feel free to have your 'revolution' just to end up realizing that all you ever did was change the color of the boot which crushed your little cockroach body. Die stupid and poor OP.

Taxation on the rich just ends up being a tax on the poor.

The more you know.

Hey Mate, not everyone is a fucking libertard alright?! If you wanna live in a society without taxes go off-grid to the mountains or something. there are public goods, therefore there are taxes. if you're twisted ideology that isn't more than a complete bow-down to the rich fucks who funded it does not understand such a simple concept as a public good, then go off yourself you stupid low IQ corporate cocksucker

This, but unironicly

trolling or retarded by nature?

Capital flight?! Nigga please, if anything UBI will be imposed by corporations so they can continue to stuff you ignorant fat fucks with unuseful products and shit food

its true though
the rich actually consume very very little economic goods

taking their money and spending it will only cause inflation on the poor and working class

NOBODY would benefit

public goods is a made up term nobody cares about
I dont want to tax the rich because I dont want inflation and poverty
I want to end central banking instead so the working class can actually have their living standards raised
taxing the rich will do nothing
its just a detriment to the working class


or alternatively:

What would be the point of taking it in the first place if it's going to get funneled right back to the rich?

You do realize that if you actually eliminate the top 1%, there will be no state, right?

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>I work as a warehouse man

Well, whose fault is that?

>the spoiled sons won't be spared
actually they ahve to go first. nothing is worse than a spoiled bastard acting so smarter and better than everyone less fortunate. intresting they always act like they acquired wealth trough thier wits and hard working on uni while driving papa's mercedes since 18.

had a short affair with a spoiler bitch before, she told me I have to work hard like her. at that time she earned twice my monthly salary in a week because papa bought her a lil sky resort... fuck I hate the rich so much I hope some heads end up on spikes in a decade

>Socialism was tried before on multiple occasions.
when? russia, china and other banana rebulics were never real socialist countries. they were dictatorships. hierarchy gloud together with violence, nepotism, bribes and power +hungry peasants endlessly working

>real socialist
There it is again.

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I would say youre baiting, but I honestly know people irl who actually think like you.
where do you think UBI would come from? it would come from taxing corporations 90+% (ala Bernie). no corporation would stay and would quickly move everything to other countries. then there are two options for any retarded country that implements UBI:
1) inflate your currency by printing trillions to pay for UBI. in US' case it might work for a short while, but everything would crumble in few years;
2) introduce huge import taxes, which would lead to empty stores, empty stomachs and violent riots.
take your pick.

There's literally nothing wrong with hierarchy, especially if it's voluntary hierarchy.


socialism literally doesnt work

>I'm fucking sick of this capitalist society. We need to redistribute the wealth to even out the system and make it fair for everyone.
The bear market is really starting to wear on you guys


You are deluded user. Taxing the people that go out and make a go out of life is not the way to go. If the owner of the business that you wage cuck for didnt take the risk and start his own business you would not have that job right now. I agree that the distribution of wealth is fucked right now, but you can not.be a warehouse worker and expect things to be handed to you. Life provides you with what you work for. Being a pleb will give you a pleb life.

shut the fuck up. most businesses out there built on inheritance or the wealth of the family. also we are not talking about micro and small sized businesses, if anything those need every support from the government. we are talking about the tax evading nation wide or multi national monopols.

ironically taxing the rich won't help us much. its the mismanagement of the poor shitheads such as yourself that's gotten us in our current position in the first place.

We dont even have to use new technology!
The guillotine still works like a charm

>. If the owner of the business that you wage cuck for didnt take the risk and start his own business you would not have that job right now
If the state hadn't educated and in some cases fed, clothed and healed you, the business owner wouldn't have anyone qualified to employ either.
Is /biz a bunch of low IQ degenerates who think they are so much smarter than the average person, but deep down fall for the same shitty arguments and tricks the normies do? All the while not even trying to think critically or reading a book about a subject they clearly are not educated about?
fuck Jow Forums man

Fuck off leftybiz

what people don’t understand is that wealth is a matter of mindset. If you change your mindset to be rich, then you will act rich and attract richness. If you are poor and broke then you will act poor and broke like the niggers around me who still live in coconut leaf huts but have a karaoke machine with those huge 20 inch speakers. Daduq is that shit? I want to beat the shit out of them playing that shit at 4am until 12 midnight. I called the fucking mayors office and the police chief in their ass. Good thing my in laws have connection and shut that shit down immediately. Government can never fix broke and poverty mentality nor does it want to. Government feeds on stupidity and broken mentality

What’s the incentive for those to become millionaires then OP?

You’re fucking pathetic. Move to China or North Korea to remain like the fat piece of shit you are

A bit unrelated, but why does it matter how rich people get if the general standard of living goes up?

My parents fed, clothed, and took care of my medical/dental work when I was growing up, not the government. The government cannot give to anyone what it has not taken from someone else first.

This, just stop being poor lmao.

>a warehouse man.

Try to make your own Business from scratch OP.
Its fucking hard even if you have no money or have money.

Being a slave wage is easier than becoming your own boss.

Jeff Bezos did nuthing wrong.

Fuck u. 75% tax is literal communism. Fuck off. If you want America to go to shit support this retards idea.

Clearly low IQ OP cannot figure out how to play the system, sooo.... instead wants to change to system b/c it does not work for him. Typical commie/socialist. America has to remain a capitalistic it is our differentiation factor.

but eventually will happen
not communism tho
there will just be a necessity to do something with the money after we create a general AI

>Jeff bezos adding 13 billion dollars to his net worth

So go out and copy Bezos and add 13 billion tp your own net worth. It's a free market, go make your own money. If you're too dumb or too lazy then tough shit, survival of the fittest.

work harder

>America has to remain a capitalistic it is our differentiation factor.
>low IQ OP
pretty profound thinking right there, eh? America is eating itself out. It will either end up in a world war, a civil war or a techno-dictatorship.

Here's a thought.

Fucking education.

KYS retard.

Gringos are beyond retarded friend. They have been indoctrinated from birth to hate anything which seems "commie"

In reality they are cucked by their overlords. It's 100% true that the fat cats are taking all the wealth while leaving them with just enough to not revolt.

I came here to post this.

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Wealth saturates at relatively low levels.
Super saturation occurs but if the whales are well behaved, it does not crash markets or inhibit others spending power.

Stop conflating race and thought. That is a manipulation tactic brought to you by identity politics.

I think it's a form of American nationalism. Their team is the imperial "capitalist" team. Americans just associate with it a lot now, but it's dying off the further we get from the Cold War, since there isn't as much sustaining the hard line between "our enemies are socialists, and we are capitalists!".

Gringos developed the only successful system on planet earth. Somebody like you needs socialism to make anything in the world so I can understand why you desire it but I'm afraid the world doesn't cater to the weak and stupid.