>Presidential Election
Keep the electoral college concept. However there is no popular vote, no voting at all. Instead each state will have one elector. The Elector will be an agnatic primogeniture hereditary position. That’s Elector will decide which canidate all of he states electoral votes go to. Majority is required, Electors sit in a room and vote until one candidate reaches a majority.
>National legislature
Senators and Representatives are appointed by the Elector of each state.
>State governments
Governors are appointed by the state’s Elector. However the state legislatures are voted in by the people. However, the Elector has the right to dissolve the state legislature
I fixed the USA election system, what do you think?
We /monarchist/ now
>Keep the electoral college
Stopped reading there.
Oh boo ho. Boo hoo hoo Shillary wast cause of dat mean unfaiw owd ewectoral cowwedge.
>Republican Presidents forever
It’s not going to be republican presidents, from OPs System the electors will vote for whoever serves their own best interest
How bout we keep the electoral college but get rid of winner take all bullshit
Very based and epic post MAGApede! Tell those libtards it's FOUR MORE YEARS!
How bout we just Balkanize. This country cannot accurately represent the will of 300,000,000+ citizens
Balkanization = Povertization.
BIG country = MORE money
Texas by itself is the size of Germany
We should use the Venetian system of voting.
Here is an idea: one person, one vote.
That’s democracy
I’m attempting to get rid of that
Jesus Christ this is stup-
nevermind, he’s retarded
I'm all for culling people who use the cancerous term "degeneracy".
That will quickly lead to insurrection which is why we don't do that.
This place is too large and diverse with a wide ranging issues that can't be decided by just Hispanics in NYC and LA voting for benefits for themselves.
It would be like the inhabitants of Madrid and Paris ruling over the Scandinavian countries and everybody else in Europe.
Second person isn’t me. I’m not a GOP shill
>not having gavelkind
After the death of the president every senator gets his own independant state as inheritance.
Kill yourself.
Again, kill yourself.
All land equally divided.
there is no way to fix the US system, just imagine if the US had the same system as Australia
>people elect a local member of government
>local members elect a head of government (PM)
>prime minister appoints a head of state (GG) with reserve powers
if they used this in america the head of state would be very political and intervene constantly instead of just being available to solve a government crisis
american politics are fucked beyond repair, all politicians are fucking psychopaths
Just amend the constitution so Tr*mp can be dictator for life
Gavelkind is for pleb franks