Jow Forums doesn't love Germany anymore

>Jow Forums doesn't love Germany anymore

Not cool, man

Attached: 1537900985653.jpg (550x550, 52K)

Germany is the best country in the world


int doesn't like Germany because most of us envy you.

>implying we ever did
>implying we don't just hate the politics and the 4th Reich of Merkle

I don't know why you guys ever let such a political opportunist stick around for so long for you guy's being such a cerebral country :L

Attached: 1531884997963.png (1334x717, 1.32M)

Germans are better than other humans

I love you germany
I have started taking german classes just because I love you germany

I never had the chance to like you but Im sure I will. The next two or three months I will be learning basic german and come to visit your castles and forests and make my decision if I like you (things are looking pretty positive according to internet pics).

Is this phenotype common in Germany.
I literally met a German girl who looked like a female version of him.
Large nose, weak chin, wh*te

Attached: German.jpg (860x484, 45K)

German posters are areasily top 5 on here and I have no idea why people say otherwise. All the retards are probably in /deutsch/ or Kohlchan but safe for that Greek moron German posters are often good and/or ironic