What they teach in Spain about Latin America?

What they teach in Spain about Latin America?
Do you have the exact amount of the loros you stole?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Spain.svg.png (1200x800, 66K)

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not much really
we wuz empire, that's about it

Solo que que somos hermanos y sois todos bienvenidos.

En realidad no fue mucho, de hecho en la guerra civil española Rusia nos quito el triple 510 toneladas

Attached: loro siglo 16.png (312x350, 173K)

>Rusia nos quito
les regalamos*

A callar facha de mierda

The truth is they only teach us that we wuz an Empire once. They do not even mention the conquistadors, their names and their expenditions.

I'm pretty sure that at least Moctezuma and Cortés were mentioned.

Pizarro was mentioned in the last course in which I studied history( 2º de bachiller)

T. 21 years old boomer.

>A callar facha de mierda
¿Qué coño? Literalmente les dimos oro por armas y asesoramiento, ellos no nos "quitaron" nada

Attached: brainlet 2.jpg (895x900, 90K)

Mundo bizarro.

Tree fitty loros.


>armas y accessarios
Que armas cuestan tanto?
Era una estafa, restrasado maricon.

Attached: 1537764385458.png (545x530, 234K)

Patético, menciona una cosa negativa de la república y empieza a gritar como un chimpancé con síndrome de down. Anda y cuélgate.

Attached: 1526594366660.jpg (823x823, 70K)

Estoy muy confuso.


buen intento, pero el loro lo devuelven igual

t. país que extrae 4 veces más loro en un año que los gashes nos robamos en 300

Attached: 1516302840158.png (327x316, 187K)

Lo extraño mucho

Attached: razas-de-loros-clases-de-loros_1.jpg (558x374, 57K)

None of that, nope. Studied all of it on my own.


They teach us that you are not white

i like the colombian mestizo girls, the castilian spawn in America is based

Attached: descarga.jpg (214x236, 5K)

>the castilian spawn in America is based

No, and it shouldn't have happened.

our spanish teacher was cool and taught us a bit about latinamerican dialects, voseo, and stuff like that
outside of that we learn nearly nothing about our colonies or how they were created/lost

They arent, but neither are moors.


Cringe and Bluepilled

Based and Redpilled

no se trata de la cantidad, es una cuestion de principios, regresen el loro prros

No lo extrañes, el loro estaba maldito.

Shhh, recuerda que estas en Jow Forums y debes adquirir el rol de el país que odia y es odiado por mexicanos

compa se le ve el forocoches desde aquí, claro que odia a los mexicanos

Habla por ti.
Yo no odio ni a los gringos ni españoles. A nadie en general

Spain is such a boring country. Theyre only famous because real madrid, Barcelona and Kidd Keo.


>kidd keo
Keo is popular in brazil?


Pretty sure he's popular in all of south america, he's at least popular here

Primera vez que oigo semejante cosa