>the EU improved my country so much
The EU improved my country so much
>immigrants are taking our jobs even though we have shortages in all sectors and pretty much all unemployed people are illiterate or have some chronic disease
it's true tho
The EU only benefits eastern shitholes like Bulgaria, Poland, Latvia, Romania and Lithuania. We in the west see none of the benefits but are forced to pay for it all. Thank god we're leaving soon.
with german money?
It did, thanks for the money. Now fuck off, we want to leave lol
god i wish that were me...
The Netherlands is among the largest exporters and investors in all of Europe I feel like it did us good too.
we (EU) literally made Poland a developed economy
and french and italian and dutch money. EU is
a really good organization to mercilessly parasite.
no it didnt
only benefit I got personally is free movement because I live close to Luxemburg and gas is really cheap there
something we all can be proud of
>i'm not letting you in the car, you have been drinking
It's a EU thread, not a soiboi thread. Don't ever come back to Jow Forums drunk esti.
Northern Pakistan is free to choose its own destiny (with some gentle nudging by the Russian intelligence services).
>free movement
What year did that start?
Say it with me
You're welcome, Poland.
I hope the referendum fails and we will never have to do anything with EUrocucks
Based, Viro. I drive drunk whenever i'm drunk and out of booze.
Do you think the polish normies think, like the Jow Forums posters, that the evil EU is abusing them and are completely ungrateful of how much money they got pumped into them?
>wh*te "people"
excuse me, I was looking for /balk/
Sacrificing your sovereignty for some EU benefits is the most cucked thing in the world
Second only to being in EU and paying for others' benefits
1995 (Schengen Agreement)
The EU is nothing else than a German aka Schobe construct to suppress Europe. On the other hand, the fucking Spaghettifressers aka Sautschinggen and Spanish aka Souschpanier greatly profit from the EU, since they are the ones that get the gibs.
So, fuck EU, fuck German, Italy, & Spain.
Heil Dir Helvetia. & Fuck "europe"
Poles are retarded niggers with white skin. The cognitive dissonance doesn't register with the average brain-dead Polack. Don't bother trying to understand them.
italy is a net contributor(among the biggest too)
How is it possible for one country to be so based?
by being a parasitic tax haven
>italy is a net contributor(among the biggest too)
Go to bed, Fabrizio!
>by being a parasitic tax haven
Into the oven, you fucking hun.
>EU thread
>turned into another let's hate poland thread
god I love analblasted Brits and Germans.
welcome to the club of developed economies, dear neighbour
Success breeds jealousy...
>developed economies
Ahahaha, kaum gestohlen, schon in Polen.
Thanks bub.
Being in EU provided me with a job opportunity I would certainly not have if we were larping as neutral like Ukraine or in the CIS.
by being conveniently surrounded by 3 major, friendly european powers. they arent called mountain jews for nothing
>Success breeds jealousy...
The watermelon seller hath spoken.
what is your job, user?
Here a chokilate for (You)
>the butthurt watermelon seller
Top tier post.
>cioccolato svizzero
here, have some real chocolate black brother
So why are thousands fleei- emigrating out of Spain looking for a livable life?
Checked and saved.
Danke schön mein freund.
The Hartzer in his basement in Karl Marx Stadt hath spoken.
The average Pole thinks that everyone is abusing him and wants them bad. They are literally traumatized by their history.
Saved. Thanks Italian bro. Are Italian chocolates superiour??
I think the EU sucks
>black brother
Go to bed, Fabrizio.
>Karl Marx Stadt
Have you already changed your EUR and Dollars to Lira like your god leader Erdogan said? I think he did for sure.
I don't know, never tried a swiss chocolate, that's a normal supermarket grade good chocolate. It's pretty good.
>Italian chocolates superiour??
Sure, Yusuf, Try Nutella. Comes from Shitaly.
He will visit us this week. Is there something I could tell him? What would be the message you would like him to know?
>the swiss so terrorized of superiro competition he resorts to fear mongering
LMAO, i didn't know you were in such a bad postion.
Why hate Italy this much while one third of your country is Italian??
Keep him
Don't let him come back here
This is the third time I tell you to go to bed, Fabrizio.
>THAT desperate
Don't worry, even if your chocolate factory is done for, we will absorb the employees and you can work for us. We think of the people.
>one third of your country is Italian
They are Ticinesi and have nothing in common with Italians at all. They indeed are pretty offended if you would call them Italians. It is just like the German speaking part of Switzerland. We have nothing at all to do with the parasitic undermenschen / goblins called "Germans".
Hope that clarifies.
In Switzerland they have more qualities, some of which i love, with mixed berries for instance, but Novi's plain gianduja is still on top of my list.
why are swiss posters so rude
Only the Bozkurt idiots want him, arkadash. One day your beautiful country will have true democracy again, user.
because we suck at politics and economics since the birth of our country
napoleon almost civilized us, but was kicked out by dumb plebeians
I'll try it then.
How so?? Speaking the same language, sharing the same beliefs and having the same culture & history...
I doubt user..
Thanks though, really...
>switzerland doesn't benefit from free trade with the EU
You benefited from cheap workforce, brain drain and open markets.
>You benefited from cheap workforce
yeah none of that before EU. My grandfather was a slave and he still made 10k a week.
no, they are overprized as hell and not better than german or italian chocolates
>bring this retarded