Daily reminder that Jow Forums doesn't deserve Jibrel

Daily reminder that Jow Forums doesn't deserve Jibrel

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If the recent pump is due to jBonds (pretty sure it is)… that means that the Sheikh genuinely bought my bags. What a time to be alive.

i no buy jnt

when moon sirs

No need for paneets like you to moon. Go stick with your HOLO and wait for the mass adoption. Lmao

Right after you sell. Sorry.

Seriously though, when do you guys expect us to get a new update on the product developments? It'll probably be a something like their Q1 update but for Q2 at the end of june, or what do you think?

Attached: why.jpg (400x387, 14K)

End of June probably.

You'll just have to wait user, they aren't great at keeping the community updated. Talal said a while back he'd get some screenshots of jWallet, jSearch etc. I feel extremely comfy anyway, this massive pump was caused by tokenising and it's not going to dump. This will continue to happen until a minimum of 180MM marketcap (although it'll be much higher because they can't buy every single JNT)

Omg, soooo this. If you were a colxian, you'd have weekly updates, sometimes even on a daily Basis.

>mfw I found a token with mandated institutional bag buying

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This was the plan all along
Why you all acting surprised
This is the first step on the way to the moon

Ahhhh. We are dumping. Sandniggered once again

just bought in, will i make it with 27k?

the fuck is wrong with you people
we are dumping he says while the token sits at 50c with 2-3% up and downswings
you people too retarded even to fucking check the charts before you shart out your reply?


I absolutely guarantee that there is a possibility that you might make it, yes.

It was 0.59cent 1 day ago...this is like the absolute justing right now...-20%

>He bought the pump
The best thing is, if you unironically fall for the hodl meme, you might make it despite your justing right now

Thank God. Jesus, not allah.

how does it feel to be this low iq

infidels won't make it

nope, it moved 3% in last 24h
it retraced back to 50c after a run from 36 to 58
its up 40% compared to a week ago
up almost 100% compared to a month ago

this graph dont look like no justening to me

Attached: jntjust.jpg (628x462, 130K)

It was 59 cents for what? An hour? You have to be a very special child to hit that window of justening perfectly.

Doesn't look like it would hold the 0.50cent for very long...should i sell or will it pump back up again.

Don't fall for the "hodl is a meme" meme, just chill for a year or two.

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But how often did hodl worked out? Basically ltc BTC ETH XLM XMR and that's it, the rest failed

Bullish chart.

btc eth neo bch and iota has been pretty good so far for me, I dont hold neo anymore tho, my worst performer is link and I bought that one at 15-16c, I'd say hodl is pretty solid

You can cherry-pick any coin as an argument either for or against "hodling", it all boils down to what expectations you have for a coin and what type of investor you are. Personally I just invest in projects that I really believe in and hold.

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Praise allah

0.48dollar here we go again.

please let it dump so i can accumulate more

saturday wallets 8123
9 am today 8194 an increase of 71 wallets, number is high due to consolidation of wallets, also i was pushed up six spots....... a couple of you faggots sold ofcourse and we can see it in the price today.
Bibox wallet:
saturday 853,339
9 am today 613,239 a net loss of 240,100.
Gate.io wallet:
saturday 12,817,778
9 am today 12,439,045 a net loss of 378,733
Kucoin wallet:
saturaday 1,938,773
9 am today 1,779,412 a net loss of 159,361
saturday 2,902,004
9 am today 2,861,853 a bet kiss of 40,151
Coinrail wallet:
saturday 2,902,004
9 am today 2,861,853 a net loss of 40,151
the wallet that keeps accumulating is still accumulating:
saturday 9,733,052
9 am today 11,731,043 a net gain of 1,997,991
what does all of this mean? Nothing really, i said on saturday i expect the price to fall to 0.42 and then hopefully start increasing again, i the dummy that i am, didnt sell and i am just holding. congrats to those who sold the top, buy back in faggots and congrats on the gains.
as always hodl the fuck up, lets all get rich


Circulation supply is now 160M, not 150M anymore.

do not like seeing this fall too far away from 50c. currently sitting at 47c, hope we don't go down to low 40s.

question: supposing this recent pump is actually tokenization going on, if they have to maintain some sort of stability and this thing dumps hard does it mean JNT straight up doesn't work?


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150 wasn't even right in the first place, 155 is the number Talal mentioned

are you pretending you didn't see my post earlier? stop hoping it won't go down to low 40's
some people need to accumulate some more you egocentric faggot
i hope it drops down to fucking 20c

>Stop hoping the price goes up
>I want it to go down
>Selfish asshole wanting something I don't want
The state of you faggots.

Could have been just testing the DAO and now they've stopped it. Or, the target price isn't 50c. Or there was no tokenising and this is unrelated. Take your pick user.

this shit will definitely go up once talal and yazan start marketing this crap around so it doesn't matter if it will go down now, it's only more time for us to accumulate

you should do the same

Bullshit...so man projects are dead once all the hype is gone and when this Shit drops below 0.30 again, then rip

being this retarded

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>once the hype is gone
what hype you mouthbreathing mongoloid? no marketing = no hype
when they'll market this shit it'll fucking explode, so it better stay down as long as it can so we can accumulate more

>jBruhs, it's all about YAZ and TAL! ;)))
kys tg faggot

If you got in early it worked for pretty much everything. Even REQ was a decent buy if you held from 5 cents. And a shit load of people missed out on huge gains selling XRP at 40 cents, VEN at a dollar and so on.

i just bought in today you fucking idiot, check my earlier posts

then shut the fuck up newfag

you could benefit from an extended accumulation period as well you retarded dipshit

i've been in this since march cocksmoker. we need this to hit $1 soon to get on pace for $10 eoy which would make a lot of us millionaires. not my fault some brainlet just found out about JNT today when it's been shilled every single day for months

I'm not bothered at all when this decides to take off, poorfag student who got to 10k JNT. I'm not buying anymore.

when price ddrop

that's a pretty impressive statement for someone with room temperature iq, but still jnt will eventually moon regardless of current fluctuations and an extended accumulation period is welcome

Nobody cares about you "accumulating" 500 more JNT each month lmao

0.47 dollar already...this shit is going back down faster than up

its back to 49c on its way to 50c you retard.

>room temperature iq
>balls deep months before you
>stack is bigger than yours will ever be bc bought in at 20c
>mrw it's not dipping and you'll never see it below 40c
enjoy that 50c entry point lad. happy accumulating

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that's 1200 JNT every month, thank you very much
egotistic faggots do not belong on Jow Forums

>egotistic faggots do not belong on Jow Forums

>what does all of this mean?
People are making deposits to gate.io

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Are you blind?

it's 50c on gate. what are you talking about?

This is going to explode
My body is not prepared