Int is becoming Jow Forums lite again

>Int is becoming Jow Forums lite again
Where are the TÜRK posters when we need 'em?

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the t*rk spammer was also Jow Forums

Jow Forums is far less Jow Forumsorized than it has been in the last 5 years.

You're just an unironic faggot from r*ddit who can not stand that other people have different opinions from your own.

kys Mohammed Mogubunto

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Like always Jow Forums steals Jow Forums memes. TURKWARRIOR originated from Jow Forums and I see his bait more over there than here

I'm aware that the Jow Forums level decreased tremendously in 2016 but it's been steadily rising. Also i'm not a sjw or anything (quite the contrary), i just don't like LITERAL nazis

>people posting anime pictures on a Near Eastern Jewish Degeneracy Electronic Family Album are, in my mind, literal murderers of mass amounts of (((innocent))) people

No, you're delusional and you recoil from reality confronting your delusions, and then create reaction formations to justify your inability to understand and accept things that are not exactly how you yourself want them to be.

Go spend some time on /lit/ Ahmed, you need to develop.

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>i'm not a sjw

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Please don't bring the turk cancer here.

Fighting cancer with more cancer is just fucking retarded.

What you need is mods who pay attention. They cleaned up /sp/ pretty well.

/sp/ mods literally killed off the board you fucking faggot kys

Not that I disagree. But why is it Americans on Jow Forums always have to talk about Jews? I could tell this post was American without seeing the flag

Gone, unfortunately. Real shame, looks like we're essentially /tv/ 2.0 again.

not him but we are the most jewish country besides israel, they dominate a large portion of our culture and daily lives. on top of this its drilled into our heads from birth that even talking about jews = being a nazi

fuck niggers

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its a circle
this board has been shitting on whites for so long that whiteposting is going to come back in fashion

Who would have thought that racists are more obnoxious than pedoposters

>Jow Forums is not becoming Jow Forums, don't be silly
Also you
>(((le ebin paranthezzees)))))))

Cunnybot actually triggers t_d plebbitfugees from Jow Forums

>i dont ñile literal nazis

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Why is this comment a sticky?

>you in your OP: I don't understand subtle or abstract things about people
>you in that post: I don't understand subtle or abstract things like irony and humor
Confirmed for Asperger's

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strict janny chase casual shitposters away but not the resilient Jow Forums autists

Strict janny more like shit janny