So user how's your love life going?

>So user how's your love life going?

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>Remember the last time we met like 8 years ago? Thongs are exactly the same as then.

,my grandfather asked me if i had a girlfriend, I told him women don't like me he almost looked disgusted

i literally can only get asian girls




It's because he thought he had secured his genetic lineage but then it ends with you, my dad is the same

my grandpa openly mocks me about it whenever i see him
>hey user, meet any ladies recently?
>ha! we both know the answer to that

I literally can’t get any girls

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It's going great, I've had a Norwegian bf for 4+ months now. I will get to see him in real life next February.

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Pretty good.

gtfo only lonely losers like me can post here

I think my last name dies with me, but I"m not sure, I'm sorry ancestors for being to pathetic to carry the line,

It's nonexistant and it will never exist
I am a kissless hugless handholdless virgin and that will never change

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just spend the entire day studying like me

Why? I want to share my happiness with my fellow anons.

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I actually fell in love for some girl from my village. We are hanging out 3-4 times per week, but she doesn't want to go further. Feels kinda shit.

Also, I'm fucking my ey gf.

I bet you are cute irl.


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It's never going to start

lol no

The bald eagle thread is over here

lmao no it doesn't you self centred twat.

what is love?


pretty low, being single for 6 years, my height stopped at 1.71m, economic pressure, pressure from future career competition.

and realizing that I will never have a loli wife or loli gf kills me

>my village.
i wonder how german village life is like.

once you spend 3 years in a relationship you realize prostitutes are better

Sounds like you had a shitty gf (or bf since Jow Forums is really gay desu).

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I don't know :'-DDDDD

would like a cute bf desu

I'm working on it
*cwc voice*

Like ice melting in water.

I'm graduating at 28 and feel like a looser. And it's like 5-6 years I don't fuck. Other than that good.

I'm in loving relationship with my perfect 2D waifu

A true man of culture

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>user, remember when you said you'd get a gf after you graduated and got a job
>Well you have achieved both things by now
I should have never gotten that damn job

What's that?

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It's going fine, for sure, though it has been difficult helping her deal with her depression :/

I've read "live" instead of "love life" sorry lads I'm truly a failure


I meant "life" sorry lads never posting again promised

just got dumped a month ago
still can't get over her

this is hate speech

But at least I'm not lonely.

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Well I haven't had a gf in over six years. Considering I'm a good for nothing NEET I don't think I'll be getting a girlfriend any time soon

Never got started

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>tfw could only get slightly chubby girls
>tfw didnt kiss a girl in like 4 years

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It's non existent

1. 23 never had a gf (kv)
2. haven't spoken to anyone my age in 5 years
3. highschool dropout
4. in debt
5. poor

It's okay, friend.

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Pretty good. I didn't have a partner up until now, and probably (and hopefully) I will never get one.

i least i have brother to carry on the lineage

When my mother dies, I will die. The same day. I hope its soon yo.

Other than that, everything is great.

You wouldn't want to know.

kek me too
fuck life

Horribly, I just want a cute finland gf

1. Shower regularly
2. Go outside
3. Relax and be yourself
4. See women as people

I have given up

it will soon be a long distance relationship for around a year and a half

lol fuck off

Kill yourself

How does this thread stay up but my thread that is actually Jow Forums related (discussing where you live) get deleted?

Yeah im going to have to ask you to neck yourself

Bald guy here. Shave it. Just shave it, man. Balding screams low self-esteem.

Hair is cool but bald can look badass. Feels weird at first and takes a while to get used to but when you do it feels free.