العرب الجرب edition
Colton Carter
Kayden Williams
It is a fact arabs were and are nothing without islam. Takbir!
Jeremiah Rivera
Case of self loathing.. meskine khoya...
Mason Sanchez
Unlike all these Moroccucks I am a pure Arab from Yemen, yet even I dab on Isl*m
But all these cucked Moroccucks and Turccucks praise Isl*m 24/7
Angel Reed
aren't you all arabs though
Chase Powell
>pure Arab from Yemen
You mean the short Arabized horners with yellow teeth and basically no history/architecture/culture?
Christian Diaz
cringe af bet you hang around kurd circles and fat feminists
Landon Kelly
I'm joking
All praise be to the Sustainer of the World, the indivisible Lord of the Universe, Allah.
James Gomez
oh you're a native, how's life been so far since you entered islam?
Austin Reed
I'm from Yemen, I was born into it