
العرب الجرب edition

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It is a fact arabs were and are nothing without islam. Takbir!

Case of self loathing.. meskine khoya...

Unlike all these Moroccucks I am a pure Arab from Yemen, yet even I dab on Isl*m
But all these cucked Moroccucks and Turccucks praise Isl*m 24/7

aren't you all arabs though

>pure Arab from Yemen

You mean the short Arabized horners with yellow teeth and basically no history/architecture/culture?

cringe af bet you hang around kurd circles and fat feminists

I'm joking
All praise be to the Sustainer of the World, the indivisible Lord of the Universe, Allah.

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oh you're a native, how's life been so far since you entered islam?

I'm from Yemen, I was born into it