>have a normal lunch at this AVERAGE pricey restaurant with my fellow study partners.
>look over to the waiter
>"I bet he is Swedish" I say to the table.
>He comes over "h..HEJ! Kan jag ta deres bestillning?"
>table burst into laughter
>everybody order a banana milkshake
>I can see he is obviously a little introverted by this order, but we try to contain our laughter.
>drink half of the shakes and leave without tipping.
Have a normal lunch at this AVERAGE pricey restaurant with my fellow study partners
Other urls found in this thread:
Next time order svår, it means vanskelig in swedish.
> go into a bar with friends
> order a beer
> waiter has a long nose
> he asks every one of us how many world cups we've won
another norwegian came to my fish stall yesterday and bought my whole inventory for the day. he drove a tesla s and was wearing a dunhill suit and gold-plated wooden clogs, he said something to me that i didn't understand and called me a "kjempegutt"
he handed me a fat stack of cash and drove off with all my fish piled up on his back seat and yelled something like "det er deilig å være norsk i danmark"
my danish customers are getting agitated but i don't know what to do about this
What's up with banana milk shakes?
Det er dejligt at være dansk i norge.
Gib oljepengar
Vi tilbod dere en del av oljefeltene hvis dere gikk med på å gi oss en viss % av Volvo.
Dere takket nei, så der glapp sjansen deres.
I don't get the joke.
Why would you make fun of Swedes working in Norway?
You and your friends sound like assholes.
We make fun of eachother all the time, Thijs. It's never anything personal (anymore).