Why do Germans claim that some of the Polish lands belong to them...

why do Germans claim that some of the Polish lands belong to them, while entire East Germany was originally slavic land and Berlin was founded by slavs (Kopenick district)
they managed to murder Veleti, and germanize Sorbs, but they can't kill us all

Attached: West_slavs_9th-10th_c..png (876x723, 419K)

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you all look the fucking same

Germania is older.


Redpill me on the sorbs

entirely germanized slavs, now they roleplay slavs and pretend that their language is not dead
sorbian language looks like a mix of polish and czech

So you are implying that these should be the new borders of Poland?

Attached: 1537963334748.png (876x723, 538K)

The only civilized Slavs, well-integrated into German society. Last governor of Saxony was Sorbian.

Polans were a tribe that united all others and created Poland, including Slezans, Vistulans and other on the map
this is what poland looked like at first

Attached: Polska_960_-_992.png (2309x2279, 1.09M)

Goths dominated the area before Slavs moved in due to the Mongol Invasions.

>Mongol Invasions
lol no
the Huns invasion in 4th century pushed all germanic tribes to the west
when first Slavs came to europe this land was literally empty, because all Germanics were moved to the west and Huns got ultimately defeated somewhere

>Goths dominated
they didn't you shit, there never even lived there. They just moved into slavic territory and either were later SLAV'D.com or just killed.

Attached: protoslavic.jpg (393x381, 103K)

You are right we should divide Germany again amd nuke the east the world would be a better place

It’s all east Germanic land if you go back a few more centuries you Slavic dog

You need to do the following
1) Renounce germanic connection by converting to orthodox christianity
2) Throw away latin alfavit and use kyrilic
3) Form synergetic dominion with Greater Finnish Russia

>orthodox christianity
gayreek religion for backward people, anti-science, anti-progress
>Throw away latin alfavit and use kyrilic
I'd rather use runnic script
>Form synergetic dominion with Greater Finnish Russia
Russia is too mongoloid to be considered Slavic, but Belarus will pass.

Attached: 1515080490702.jpg (1368x834, 404K)

Wrong, it's catholicism that's anti-science. Orthodox have been content with calling divine mysteries mysteries since literally times of Jesus. Catholics went ass backwards to retard chambers in order to try to put christianity into science and vice versa.

>Wrong, it's catholicism that's anti-science. Orthodox have been content with calling divine mysteries mysteries since literally times of Jesus.
That's why catholic countries build the modern world, while every orthodox country is a shithole.

so? the entirety of germany ashide from the area bordering denmark used to be split between celts and slavs. then germanic tribes migrated south.

they are serbs but they aren't srbs

That's because they were cursed by mongol hordes, muslim hordes (Muscovy did incredible job pushing those fags back) and then communism. However, both Byzantium and tsarist Russia were shining diamonds for hundreds of years.

do we have exact haplogroups?


balts and slavs didn't have sea acces, they don't have words related to it

do you know what the balt in balts refers to?

Why? The west is filled with greens, leftist, feminists, niggers, turks and arabs, wouldn't it be better to nuke them?




What the fuck are you talking about brainlet

they weren't always balts. their ancestors lived in modern day belarus, while today's lithuania and latvia were populated by aesti (estonians)

yes vladimiras, mainland dwellers knew that seas exist and had a word for it 2000 years ago

I wonder why are people who are so fucking retarded are so vocal about their beliefs.

First of all Aesti are not Estonians, they didn't use the that name until 19th century. Second thing the area which was Aestii described living in (Kalinigrad) at them belonged to West-Baltic Cairns culture. There are no Finnic toponyms or hydronyms in Lithuania or Kalinigrad/Prussia for that matter.

Do you even know the archaeological context of this region before you make such retarded claims?

>Do you even know the archaeological context
no i just read that on some forum and it made sense

Attached: apu16.gif (840x488, 511K)

what forum?

>recognizing slavs as people