What is life like in Russia?

What is life like in Russia?

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it's shieeet

You meant survival in Russia?

Putin's home is her pussy?

I would fuck her!

Why Putin kill all anti-Putin people?

can i go to putin's home

It's like India but people have white skin (most of the time).

It's the only choice for that dictator to avoid people tribunal.

Pretty bad.
We are starving, we can't say bad things about Putin, no sun is shining.

russians have loos

It is quite fine if you are young, have good health and a work you like to go to. In other scenarios, it is variated between "hard" and "shit as fuck".

Another words: it's much easier to win a lottery.

>tfw no woman will ever call her pussy "your home"

What did she mean by this

so Russian people think Putin as dictator?

I suspect that "vagina" in her language might be some form of insult.

She is saying that Russia is just a vagina to be fucked and it's factually true. China fucks Russia, Germany fucks Russia, Brazil fucks Russia.

Attached: Chinese men with Russian wives.jpg (720x435, 115K)

Why are liberashkas so cringy?

His real rating is about 37-39 %. Many of his appointees lost the recent elections in Russian regions.

Because liberalism and treachery is unnatural to human's nature, same as faggotry.

Gib Grivina GF


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Putin go to pizda. It like go to hui but pizda.

How will EU annex Russia?

why the fuck do russians complain so much? holy shit its annoying, look where i fucking live and i dont complain, your country is fine fuck off

they're either unemployed incels or school kids. most of them grow out of it

there's a solution for all your problems bros...

Attached: Ленин-жил-Ленин-жив-Ленин-будет-жить.jpg (2388x3176, 1.28M)

>there's a solution for all your problems bros...
To resurrect Lenin. Sounds like a nice idea, actually, at least we know where he is.

lol that girl in the middle could fuck up everyone else in that picture

How difficult is for a ruassian male fuck a girl? Is real the whore meme?

It's just TV tries to make the impression that they are all super opressed there and need our holy powers to liberate them.

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Russia would join EU in a heartbeat if they were allowed to


Like this...

Imagine if they got rid of Putin

She looks better looking than the entirety of the UK above London (not including eastern european women who migrated)
Very attractive desu, Russians have it all

Our women are munters mate
>see a fit girl
>starts speaking
>she's foreign
Every time

How can you hate your own women?

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Most Jow Forumsincels hate their own women and want to racemix with slavs or asians too


Can you even imagine how inflated her opinion is of herself and how entitled she feels she is, her attitude in general because she was born a 10/10 compared to her peers and who is the exception to the rule? Years and years of adoration. Whenever you pay for prostitutes always go for foreign women, far far better attitude and don't think they deserve the world

I'm sure good looking women in other countries are entitled but nowhere near the level of the ones here

how about charli?


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It's the case in any country.

Because they think Slavic girls are chaste, traditional and submissive.

>Because they think Slavic girls are chaste, traditional and submissive
It's true until you obey their
demands :)

Best country in the world to be young in, one of the worst when you hit pension age.

Why is it the best country to be in while young?

Do you think Putin will die before the world nukes itself? Do you think his replacement will be better?

she wants to be fucked by putin?

Russian women are the most promiscuous in the world and Russia has no laws.

It is a garbage-tier country if you want to live a normie life

I heard the same about Brazil.

He's Russian(/Ukrainian which is the same). Stop blame Brazil.

Russia will give you soul for exchange to your opportunities

But it only applies to Russia. Everyone who comes to Brazil gets surprised at how white, developed and rich we are. They come here expecting jungles and brown people and only see shiny buildings and educated white people.

In Brazil the only Russians here are sex workers.

Did she get death penalty for doing that?

>wtf I i wish I were Putin and wanna go home.

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I hope she gives me the death by snoo snoo penalty, if you know what I mean, which is I hope she flies to the US and fucks me until my pelvis is destroyed and I die from it, incase you didn't know.

>Everyone who comes to Brazil gets surprised at how white
Is being white some prestige object in Huezil?

I want to go home

the text and video always make me hard

same as here in england pretty much