I'm depressed right now and I need a plan to deal with the fact that I'm a retarded inbred middle easterner!

I'm depressed right now and I need a plan to deal with the fact that I'm a retarded inbred middle easterner!

Attached: 9tw9yg52xhmy.png (1200x596, 439K)

Apologize, Americans.

Attached: 1491112958384.png (420x420, 121K)

blow up aswan dam

Mashallah, it's okay brother. Look at this picture, this is me. Just move to Europe and become wealthy.

Attached: 1537977457869.jpg (960x960, 145K)

this is my father, fuck off

Attached: f9ca77de-50af-4f8d-b96f-bc991e9b2ca8.jpg (960x960, 127K)



>Canada is more inbred than the US

>muh diversity

not a real gap anyway




blow up aswan dam

Abandon islam and embrace the lord.


Do you really believe these maps? They are clearly made by macedonian tech support scammers. And since you are here and you speak english, you are not retarded. Don't fall that low to get actual depression over stupid shit.

Just bee yourself

Attached: olivia bee.jpg (1280x720, 68K)

Arranged marriage is a real thing here, people like to do that in order to keep their land and family house belong to their family and to protect their "master family" which mostly increases the chances of genetic mutations and child death, so that they have to have a lot of children and I discovered recently that my father's father and mother were cousins! although I don't thing that I'm a complete retard but I think it's a problem with me and I have to find a solution, e.g. CRISPR, creating a genetic changing environment somehow etc...

blow up aswan dam

just stop being inbred
also you can tell this map is fake because the UK is white

reported for the PFM

Unironicly looks like a spitting immage of this bulgarian from my school

literally nothing wrong with inbreeding. only christcucks and westerners dont like it, they like to mix and mix theyre blood, but we stay pure
t.genetic expert

yes, yes, he is BULGARIAN this is what all Bulgarians look like

He tried to scam my mother. He worked in this electric store and put up an add on internet that he sold some TVs. He was really rude and weird to my mom so she called corporate. Ended with him being fire, he had worked there for 8 years and had a nice position.

Why do you have his picture saved?

جاست بي يورسيلف يسطى

Attached: 1534017215572.png (332x332, 148K)

بتعمل ايه فالسعودية يسطي؟

I found him on facebook and he is a meme now.

I know you are kidding but it is seriously not an issue.

مولود هنا بس همشي بعد سنة ولا حاجة

الأب صلعم كبير نيك للأسف

علي تركيا؟

>علي تركيا؟
لا بس أشمعنة بتسئل تركيا؟؟

اصلهم صلاعمة هههه

>Canada is more inbreed then the US


Inbreeding is only an issue at Hapsburg levels of marriage AND the fact that even if you and another person are not related if both or one of you is carrier of something pass on something bad it will still hurt regardless like say an Indian and a West Africa having sickle cell kid because both recessive carrier of it.

بس أنا مش صلعم يا أنون

Attached: 65792382192.jpg (420x420, 27K)

people in the muslim world inbreed over many generations, it absolutely is a massive problem. did you know that pakistani newborns make up around 50% of birth defects in the UK despite pakistanis only being like ~5% of the population?

Is this a Norway-only meme or what?

But user, I feel normal. My parents came from different cities.

if your parents came from different cities that means youre not inbred, why wouldn't you feel normal?

Is your dad also your uncle?

My parents came from different cities too.

then youre not inbred retard

hahaha das rit