Sikhs deserve a free country

Sikhs deserve a free country.

Don't @ me.

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Sikhs deserve genocide

t. pajeet

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I am white
Sikhs are subhuman and need to be killed

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No, Sikhs are bro tier

the only thing anybody on that subcontinent *deserves* is nuclear bombs

>need to be killed

Why do Americans shit on everything even when they don't have anything to do with it? I literally don't understand your relation-

>sees picture of fat hand attached to obese body

ah that explains it. you're just a loser in life who feels hating on other people for no reason makes him better.

I dream of a day where sikhs drive out the hindu menace

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>"i am white"
I understand all,the wh*tes need to be erradicated.
Wh*te genocide is the future!

Your just a brown subhuman sikh living in a first world country

And you're a pathetic loser. Probably a community college dropout who sits on discord all day filling his fat mouth with cheetos. probably tried your hand at streaming and stopped doing that when you realized nobody will watch your boring eternally ass-blasted fat ass you incel.

get a fucking life and stop wishing death on people for no reason at all.

No its you who's the brown pathetic shitskin leech living in a first world country

bitch I alone pay more in taxes than your whole family combined, my family has contributed more to the well being of this nation than all your 7 previous generations have you broke bitch. indians/pakistanis on average make more than any other race in this country, you're the fucking leech. probably live off welfare if not off your mother to pay for your rent you manically depressed fuck. want to put nails in the coffins of innocent people... what the fuck is wrong with you? go do some soul searching, get off those anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds and try to get a healthy lifestyle or you will just kill yourself on the inside

I don't care how much money you make
I don't care about the economy
The simple fact is America is not for smelly brown turban wearing shitskins like yourself
You have to go back

This is how Israel was created you mong. You really want a second Israel?

you're just making a fool of yourself at this point, i'm done responding to you. a prince doesn't waste his time with a pauper. a few years down the road when I see you homeless begging on the streets for money, i'll still give you loose change because i'm above being a petty loser like you are. enjoy being hated even by the rest of your own country while you come on an anonymous image board trying to pretend the rest of your country gives a fuck what a loser like you thinks. and maybe when i see you begging on the streets i'll offer you an extra $5 for your mother too.

I am honestly baffled by how delusional Sikhs in Canada and UK are. No exaggeration here, my head was spinning when I read some Khalistani posts on reddit for the first time. They unironically think that the people in one of India's richest states are being oppressed. It's like they live in an alternate universe or something.

You shitskins like to act like you have the moral authority but you don't
You being here hurts white people
The job you have belongs to a white man
The money you make belongs to a white man
You will never be American
Only whites can be American
A French or German man who moves here tommorow and doesn't speak English is more American than you will ever be

your arm hair is poo tier

I am a white man


You're a manchild.

I am not a child


That can be an Indian's hand. Post your eyes


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They already have north west london

No real American has a white skin.

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Also Punjab is 40% Hindu. How can Sikhs carve out a religious ethnostate out of a state that is 50% non-sikh?

>give free food outside their temples
>wear bad ass hats
>religion tells them to carry cool daggers
>plenty served/serve uk army

sikhs are cool as fuck



Not all of us are like that. It's just a few fringe weirdos who still live in 1984. The type of unemployed losers who stand outside Gurdwaras and hand out flyers. We mostly just ignore them. Most Sikhs are proud Indians.

You're a Hindu pretending to be Sikh just to score internet points.

Hahahaha. You Pakis are fucking delusional. Must be all the inbreeding. We're not stupid. We know you goat fucking retards are the main funders of Khalistani separatism. You're desperate to see India Balkanize and collapse. Sorry, but most of us Sikhs have wised up to your tricks. We ain't falling for it anymore. We're Indian and all your autistic screeching won't change that.

LOL. Yeah you're definitely Hindu.

Absolutely delusional. I'm honestly in awe. Truly the arsehole of the world.

Non whites can't be American
Indians have brown skin

He's Paki diaspora