>Raid and terrorize their neighbours for centuries.
>One neighbour has enough and kicks their ass and they cry about a deluge.
>They are given another chance, but immediately start warmongering again.
>Finally three neighbours have enough and partition Poland.
>The most peaceful century in European history follows when there is no Poland around to kick up shit.
>Robbed of their European terror base they travel to Haiti and help the negroes genocide and drive the French off the island. Thus the vicious Poles began the downfall of the European Great Powers. Poles are literally the only "White" people ever to have actively fought together with negroes against other Whites. For this the Haitians give them the “honorary” title of: “White Negroes.”
>After forcing extremely harsh peace terms on Germany in WW1 the allies pull their ace out of the sleeve and raises Poland from the dead with dark necromancy. The allies of course knew the dark history of Poland and raised it for the sole purpose of permanently destabilizing Eastern Europe.
>Poles who had been pacified until then suddenly remembered that they were dirty Poles and immediately got back to their old antics of terrorizing their neighbours.
>Not only did they steal territory from tiny Lithuania, but they also began genociding the Germans in Danzig.
>Germany finally had enough and intervened to save human lives. The trap had worked and Poland had served the allies' purpose of engineering a new war.
>Fast forward to current day and Poland is now kicking up shit by pretending to be fucking victims, going as far as calling themselves “the Christ of Europe.” This is a spit in the face of all the victims of the devilish Poles. Think of all the White French women and children orcish Polescum raped and murdered in Haiti. Poles are unironically evil incarnate and the enemy of the White man.
Poland is the anti-christ of europe
Luke Thomas
Other urls found in this thread:
Ian Morris
didn't read
just came here to say that Poland is pretty based tbH
Hunter Murphy
Same street.
Jayden Allen
Ayden Perry
Warsaw is chaotic tho.
Brayden Howard
poland strong
Parker Turner
Warsaw transport system is retarded and underdeveloped. Otherwise its nice
Sebastian Hill
did not read
have this meme instead
Liam Foster
>Warsaw is nice
maybe it was in 1939 before Germans destroyed it in 90%
now it's a shithole filled with commieblocks
Brayden Nelson
>helped the haititans over throw the french
Daily reminder the french would litterally throw sick and exhausted slaves into cauldrons of buring sugar cain