How many REQ do I need to make it?

How many REQ do I need to make it?

Attached: req.png (750x750, 29K)

holding even 1 req will always prevent you from making it

~5.5 million if you sell immediately. 10 million next month.

10 billion


i need to send a request to tyrone to be my wifes bull since the req bulls have been so weak

Attached: e3havqEmOV8epi67Eyiz33qk-jZGnN-cEGqhGlaWh8w.jpg (320x398, 26K)

Only serious answers please.

Just enough to buy a pair of knee pads.

you arent going to make it off req brainlet. why would someone buy and pay over a dollar for a payment plugin token, you dont need req at all to use it.


PoS economics are still to be announced in Q2.

once it gets adopted and it starts burning i guess 10k are enough

5 Million assuming the price stays around 20 cents for the next 100 years.

About 10 million REQ

>Piece of Shit economics will be announced in Q2
Pretty sure they were announced since ICO

When? I'll be really surprised if we're under $2 by end of year. In the next 1-3 months? Harder to say what price will be

>Crowdfunding dapp coming this month, along with the "several organizations" that will use it.
>Nobody is selling into those walls
>Fud intesifies

Probably 50,000 if making it is a million.

>crowdfunding dapp nobody will use
>nobody is selling into those walls yet the price keeps tanking with no respite

smth like 800k desu
if you gonna invest big invest big in something small, i'm investing in HBT at the moment, and i'm expecting big money

Attached: hbt_.jpg (409x640, 106K)

the fud that is surrounding fundamentally strong projects right now is absolutely astounding.
i'll do better this time and cash out towards the top

150K and comfy as fuck!

10 million.

20k to make a mil at years end

10k the future of accounting and e commerce payments

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