Why do we have such a disgusting drugs and guns problem?

Why do we have such a disgusting drugs and guns problem?

Fucking hell

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But drugs and guns are great.

Go have a heroin overdose you useless degenerate. We should crackdown on drugs and druggies China style

Your ridiculous Second Amendment is to blame for the gun problem.

There you go


You can have my gun when you pry it from my OxyContin overdosed hand.


I’d rather blame black people. Do you know how complicated it is to amend the constitution?

not enough people who own guns
keep growing

shut up brucecuck

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Look at south or central American countries. Strict gunlaws yet somehow even worse gun crimes

what's wrong with guns?

It's a result of our poor health care. Mental health is a serious issue in the US that not enough people are taking seriously. Every criminal, every drug user, every degenerate, needs psychological help. We punish those who need help instead of helping them, making people afraid to admit when they have a problem, which leads to them not recieving the help they need, which worsens their predicament until it begins affecting the rest society as well. Always remember. Everything has a cause. Find the root of the problem, and you can cure it. Nobody is born evil.

>guns problem

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The right to self defense is a natural right, it literally transcends all of mans laws

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With guns easily provided by your non existent gun laws in exchange for your 2nd problem drugs, something that wasn’t really an issue here before you

where do you draw the line?
what if an amerimutt is scared of evil communism and fears a socialist superpower comeback and has the means of producing a weapon of mass destruction?
would you be ok with a private mong having an atomic bomb?
I mean he can claim it's protection against foreign powers, and the right to self defense is a natural right and according to you "it literally transcends all of mans laws", but ultimately he can detonate it whenever he wants, he has literally the choice to wipe an entire city (or more) out of this world.

You HAVE to go back.

Does Latin America even have huge gun manufacturers? Where do they get all the guns that they use in their live leak videos?

I believe small arms are a sufficient means to exercise the god given right of self defense.

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the US
Kill yourself

>Kill yourself
A well reasoned and mature response to this issue, bravo

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>I believe
so all of a sudden this god you invoked into the argument doesn't matter anymore.
see how you're retarded?

Taurus is one of the more popular handguns sold in the US, and it’s Brazilian.


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I don't believe in a private citizens right to own weapons of mass destruction, I have made that clear. I used the term god in the most generic sense. Whatever creature wanders upon this Earth has at its disposal the means he was given or created to make safe his kind. How is this assertion retarded?

The US govt via the CIA makes a shit ton of money off drugs. All the while locking up petty criminals for having a few joints. Nut the most obvious reason is niggers.

>Kill yourself

Those are two continents Pedro and it is not ''we'' as in ''we are part of the same region''

>Whatever creature wanders upon this Earth has at its disposal the means he was given or created to make safe his kind.
like an atomic bomb, yet you are not ok with private citizens owning them.
>How is this assertion retarded?
you advocate that nobody can take your means of defence from you because they transcend man's law, yet you want to take other people's means of defence.

Do you understand the difference between individuals and entire nations?

yes, very much so, I don't understand what that has to do with anything.

>gun problem
>all the states that rank lowest in violent crime have the most lenient gun laws

Nations get nukes, people don’t. See the distinction?

Look, I'm not trying to start shit between nations but here's the thing: Americans reallly, really like their hard drugs.
And where there's need there's a market. It just so happens that our sellers need to enforce their will with violence and the USA contributes by smuggling guns.

If the USA stopped all gun trades and wathev the drug market wouldn't just cease to exist, nor the violence in my homeland. It would just so happen that they'd get their weapons overseas. So, the drug's prices along alongside the violence would both skyrocket.

It's all protestans fault. Catholic nations have a bigger family oriented morality so folks don't feel lost to apaty. Abuelita's advices and attentions have been a life savior to me in some ocasions.

Canada and Chile don't

Our drug appetite might also have to do with affluence.

I don't see why you'd make a distinction, do the same with firearms.
nations get firearms, people don't.
there, uniform criteria.

Speak for your own cunt. Canada has a rather serious opioid problem.

hahaha Changs

But "mental health" is a fraud ,the human problems aren't health problems,usually they have broken family or other issues.

The "psychiatrist" only drug the people .

Uniform criteria is lazy, and doesn’t account for complexity.

I prefer to regulate weapons based on their destructive capability. Nations, who commit violence with much higher stakes get higher stake weapons. When individuals commit violence, it’s on a much smaller scale, and requires smaller scale weapons.

Haha, I just now made the connection.

>When individuals commit violence, it’s on a much smaller scale, and requires smaller scale weapons.
knives it is then.


Doing drugs right now.

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>Our drug appetite might also have to do with affluence.
You have to be a grade A lowlife to get around the kind of folks that can hyu with hard-drug dealers. It's not like you can get speed for cheap or at the cornerstore.

Doctors, stock brokers, lawyers, ...
They love speed and cocaine


which ones??

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Cannabis and cocaine

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Near London or Windsor?

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No, I'm a québecfag

A TRUE americano isn't scared of guns, no exceptions

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>Doctors, stock brokers, lawyers, ...
Getting a degree doesn't make you less of a lowlife, lad. This is all about morality and family values, things angl*s and protestants lack.

Reletively to a nuke, a pistol is insignificantly small scale. A knife is a bit underkill.

Besides, if people shouldn’t be allowed to have guns, why should they be allowed to have a knife?

I don't know what caused your mistrust in medicine, but mental health is not a fraud. Broken families and "other issues" affect the mind, and in the end it is the mind that decides "I'm going to rob this gas station" or "I'm going to kill this person." If the mind is not healthy, the actions taken by the individual it belongs to will not be healthy either.

You’re speaking more about the soul than the mind, and the only medicine the soul needs is Jesus.

>US overthrows democratic government of Latin American country, and sets up brutal military junta with drug connections to run the country
"Wow! Why is ______ such a shithole?"

>Besides, if people shouldn’t be allowed to have guns, why should they be allowed to have a knife?
guns are specifically designed to kill and nothing else, they have no actual use.
I don't think you are so retarded as to need an explanation about the knife, defense is a second usage.

The mind and soul are interconnected. the soul knows right from wrong, but the mind blurs the lines. If Jesus was all that was needed, the world would be a much better place than it is. It is because the mind is sick that people can take the words of the bible and twist them to suit their own degenerate desires.

>be a medic
>read that retarded shit

The absolute state of cucktestant amerimutts.

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native americans are fucking violent

Don't ridicule them. Inform them. Making fun of them will only reinforce their beliefs that the world is against them. Religion has its place, and so does medicine. They are not mutually exclusive.

Last I checked, Catholics have a think for Jesus too.

>Religion has its place
to the fucking gulag

This gun isn’t designed to kill. It’s designed purely to put little holes in paper targets at the olympics.

So can I have one of these?

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The spread of hate will never benefit the whole of humanity.

>that description


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