So i finally figured out IDEX

What coin do i go into now that i figured out IDEX?
if i do holotoken i can get like 40k...
its between HOT, UBT, LBA, and SCT...
whats the best one to go into?!??

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im looking for quick fuckoing gainz.
this money is nothing to me.
if i can double or triple or even 50x ill be a happy boi.

halp me biz

RLX, HOT mooned ages ago


have you seen the recent post about that biztard sleeping in a car and working two jobs to pay crypto's? he's portfolio includes FND.
Its low mcap, low supply and it just got listed on CMC. its also on 1/3's of the ICO price. easy 3x or more

this is what i was talking about.
thank you my frands
keep the suggestions coming. i will look into them all.

user sleeping in their car bagholding a token is now a shill, fucking kek. I might actually pick some up.

UBT and SCT is all you need.
I will make a new thread tonight, signaling another coin that my group is about to pump.
Look out for my thread.

ill be honest it actually looks pretty good lol. the chart i mean.
im thinking this might be the best buy

thank you my fren

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KRI KriosCoin is JUST about to hit an official exchange this month low market cap and selling for below ICO price on IDEX from stragglers.

Itll almost definitely pump when it hits the major exchange

Attached: 1515947041357.webm (640x480, 3M)

Disingenuous, your pnd is going to scam anons out of money. 10x more like 0.10x

im honestly thinking FND and RLX are looking very tempting

Fabric Token (pic related)

Attached: Screenshot_20180521-113156_01_01.jpg (717x1222, 139K)

Buy some Fabric token or regret living a life of


i bought.
where do i find coin count and circulation amount? marketcap?

nm i found it

The team and board of advisors is the best in any crypto I've seen and the token is in a dip right now, if you're not buying this you are retarded

Attached: Jan_Matejko,_StaƄczyk.jpg (1280x957, 228K)

FabricToken. 2m mkcap 24m circulating supply

Can't believe it's not getting more attention to be honest.

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Hot is old news. Ubt is about to dump after the good cmc news. The other two I dont know but I would stay the fuck away after that user just said it's gonna get pumped. Sounds like hes got bags for you to buy.

I've got all the RLX i need atm and am accumulating another one that I'll share with you as soon as my buy order fills.

Whats the price?


Current trading price is 0.00013250 gwei per token on IDEX

Bag holder detected




I'm this guy from my phone now.

Care to shill me on this? I'll go all in.

Buy high like i did
0,001$ eoy

Oh neat, the ID didn't change.

Easy - buy low cap gems - BST, FT, MFG

If you want a legit possible 50x moonshot:

Consensus (SEN)

Check the team, then the whitepaper, then CMC. You're welcome.

Pls pump AMB sir

- Working product
- Token gen at the begining of June
- New exchange at the begining of June ( probably earlier)
- Under 24 Million circulating supply
- Tokens that weren't sold were burned
- Not on CMC yet (ori did a X3 when listed on CMC
- Under 7% of the supply belongs to private investors (which has likely already been dumped)
- Pretty much no walls

The list goes on user ...

Oh & in the time it took to write that it's now trading at 0.00014755