If you have 0% Finland/Northwest Russia DNA, you are not blonde

If you have 0% Finland/Northwest Russia DNA, you are not blonde.
Prove me wrong.

Attached: 21372034_1409940872455621_1581406619084783616_n.jpg (1080x1080, 114K)

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uhm why isnt the guy on the right my bf

Well duh, i have brown hair

I am Finnish

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Blonde hair should be extinct! You disgusting albinos! Black hair pride.

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What about these papuans?

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Why are Finns/Russians so swarthy?

Here's an average German girl (half Syrian even)

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>Why are Finns/Russians so swarthy?

Swedish admixture.

eww get a tan bitch

how do you explain this then?

Attached: muttdna(56).png (3000x2500, 2.46M)

Russian DNA was drastically spoiled by Mongol DNA, so you screwed up, comrade.

Attached: Dyadya_Vanya.jpg (269x360, 23K)

Fuck that's cute. Truly light hair should go with dark skin, and dark hair should go with light skin.

no it looks bad
dirty blonde looks bad too, imo its either white or black hair.
If its mixed it looks shit

Yeah, obviously white hair is better than blonde. Leverpostej coloured hair is boring as fuck.
I've always been of the opinion that hair should only be either white, black or ginger, nothing in between, but considering how rare white hair is, I can settle for less.

naming a hair colour after liver paste
how danish of you
>I've always been of the opinion that hair should only be either white, black or ginger, nothing in between, but considering how rare white hair is, I can settle for less.
that is my opinion as well

>I've always been of the opinion that hair should only be either white, black or ginger, nothing in between
My friend was born albino and she always hated it. Your body can't handle the sunlight, so you always have to cover every part of your body even if it's 35c outside, otherwise you get sunburns.

Attached: Nika.jpg (604x453, 62K)

35C is hot af wtf are you talking about, even me have to cover myself in that heat or i get sun attack

Well, you can have white hair without being albino, although I do find albinos skin and hair colours to be incredibly attractive. Particularly the white eyelashes.
I have a friend who's albino too, we fuck around a lot during halloween and dress her up as a vampire or a ghost or whatever.
We mostly go out at night.

He means that regardless of how much you sweat, you have to cover your skin as much as possible.

I meant this Without cover your skin will turn red in a couple of hours

oh I see.
Never met an albino so i dont know

They have excessively pale skin, light coloured hair (sometimes almost white, sometimes reddish), and can't handle sunlight because they don't have pigment in their skin. Also their eyes usually move around involunatrily and they tend to have very bad eyesight.

that must suck
I wouldnt breed with an albino my kids would prob kill me for that

Although, being born as an albino is kinda a russian roulette. You can born with negroid or asian or europeoid facial features, regardless of your parents.

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Is Estonia the ground zero for whiteness on our planet? Every direction you go from Estonia whiteness seems to diminish

i don't have 0%
does this make me a mongol too

Attached: dna.jpg (328x406, 35K)

>21% Scandinavia
Your ancestors were raped during Danelaw
does that make you feel anger?

some of my ancestors were Scandinavian colonists of NZ, from Sweden and Denmark.

desu most of that scandinavian is probably from cheeky vikings tho, because only one of my grandparents was partially descended from the scandinavian settlers

Attached: larptown nz.jpg (1140x570, 85K)

Is The man's hair color natural? All brazilian pardo women are dying their hair with this color

He's a Fenno-Swede popstar called Benjamin Peltonen
it's probably natural

this guy would be a model-tier indian if he fixed his asymmetrical nose with surgery


Attached: benjamin-peltonen-2.jpg (1024x576, 121K)

Non-whites dream to be white ahahahah

>dad looks a bit mongoloid
>tfw born aryan
phew dogged a bullet

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this i have a brother who's ginger even though nobody in my family is ginger and i know for a fact my mum didn't cheat since we did a dna test.
russians are probably the least inbred people on this earth