For me, it's young Angelina Jolie

For me, it's young Angelina Jolie.

Attached: 1537978711757.jpg (736x804, 58K)

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Every whore in Russia jsut can't stop wearing that jacket.

It looks cute on cute grills tho

Maybe cute grills just look cute.

That is ultimately true of course, but there's still ways to enhance or decrease the cuteness.

She is half slovak which makes her eastern germanic

How are Felvidék Hungarians Germanic?


I don't think she's from there

Not all slovaks are northern hungarians

What’s the other half?

For me, its Marion Cotillard

Attached: 1507024810370_0570x0400_1507024835567.jpg (570x400, 49K)


for me its young Mara Wilson

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 22K)

What are the thick lips on whites?

I don't know what her other half is and am not going to look it up for you dumb gook

she's the ultimate mutt

How did you know she is a half slovak??

Cuz it stuck in my memory due to being relevant to my interests?

White phenotypes are meant to be mashed together, case in fucking point

Attached: dadario (2).jpg (800x1080, 146K)

She is fucking ugly, why the fuck do you guys pretend she is hot?

for me, its emma.

Attached: emma letterman 016.jpg (2217x3000, 2.29M)

>White phenotypes

Attached: 1524537149203.jpg (638x558, 64K)

For me, it's Adolf Hitler

Attached: thinkdifferent.png (1600x967, 1.41M)

Those are some magnificent DSL.

For me, it's this guy from a 007 movie.

Attached: Gentleman with a sibling.png (146x164, 36K)

get rid of it before it starts adopting niglets

next time she wont even need to adopt one

What an abomination


you know why

Attached: 21e0ceb29cc972f20d4015b535901865.jpg (712x949, 63K)