>come back from throwing out the trash
>see village idiot coming my way
>walk away and take longer route home
1) your cunt
2) do you have a notorious retard in your town?
Come back from throwing out the trash
yes me
Sort of,
For 6 years I lived in a neighborhood with a significant Jewish community and there are quite a few of them that are mentally challenged, probably due to inbreeding
>be me at café, giving directions on the phone to a friend who was on the way
>Jewish woman comes screaming at me, said I'm harassing her and calling her a filthy jew
>next door neoghbour comes and asks me to turn his bathroom and hallways lights on because it's Shabbath and he's not allowed to
>i say fuck it and go do it
>after this happens several times I tell him that I'm gonna start charging for these services just to see how he reacts
>never came around again after that
>>walk away and take longer route home
wait how far away are your trash bins
About 100m if I take the short route, 200-300 if I take the alleys back home like today
Lmao please be real
nah, but we have some crazy guys, like yesterday, I was walking home and then this guy with a dog started saying: i'm going to die, give me money, I'm going to die. But I ignored him and then he started repeating: are you going to come to my funeral?
I had one where I used to live, he was friends of someone's family I knew.
>mental maturity of a 12 year old maybe
>loved music but poor as hell
>carried around a massive bag of CDs and tapes
>they were all poorly maintained and many didn't work
>no idea where he got them all from
>listened on his cd player/tape player all the time
>would sing out loud often
>late at night in the middle of winter as I'm ready to go to sleep one night I hear this fucker screaming It's a Holly Jolly Christmas at the top of his lungs
>throwing out the trash
>not doing recycling
Yes and hes my friend