Why do americans freely and happily reward people who provide a service?

why do americans freely and happily reward people who provide a service?

its so different in german culture

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I don't understand this point

this post*


germans dont tip and germans donate less on twitch in comparison to americans

It's polite

>freely and happily
Tips are mandatory, so it may be happily but certainly not freely.

It's called being polite you soulless kraut robot


No, tips aren't mandatory
Are you some kind of idiot?

So you're saying Germans are more intelligent than Americans?

how the fuck is polite its condescending as fuck if its a favour and if its something like a waiter or cab driver they're just doing their job in a service you've already paid for


It's the bosses' job to pay the workers, not the customers'.
The mailman or the garbage collector doesn't get a tip for his work, while it's way more important than serving drinks.

Of course it's mandatory.... If not in law at least it's a social convention. You're stupid if you think that 99.9% of Americans leave a tip just because they're kind.

We don't tip for favors you dipshit

will they spit on my pizza the next time if i dont tip?

People don't tip mailmen and garbagemen because usually mailmen and garbagemen are on a tight schedule and, more often than not, don't interact with the people they're delivering to

No, not really
Plenty of people don't tip, plenty of people do
It's truly whimsical and Europeans can't seem to grasp the idea that social convention in the US is based on individual notions of manners rather than a societal or cultural one

The people who tip tip because it is polite and they think that politeness should be encouraged, and so brow-beat others by making seem mandatory when it isn't
It never had anything to do with being kind, manners and polite etiquette is simply acting civilized, not trying to spread kindness and love around like the nation is a brothel

They'll spit in it because you're a subhuman G*rm

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What is wrong with you?
He just asked a question no need to be rude

Because it's obvious he's incompetent
I'm simply doing unto him as he would unto me should the situation be reversed

If you take the banter nicely maybe he'll give you a tip. You should try and give him a Bitcoin address.