50 word essay due in 2 months

>50 word essay due in 2 months
>Can't stop browsing Jow Forums and looking at blockfolio

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>10 word poem due tomorrow and I cant stop fapping and browsing Jow Forums

50 words in two months? What kind of retard school do you go to? And you haven't gotten it done by now? What the actual fuck.

So less than one word per day?

>be me
>be 29
>birthday is tomorrow
>mfw i'll be a fucking 30 year old boomer
>mfw i'll be the scourge of the earth
>mfw i'll have to start defending boomers

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You fucking brainlet

are you 12 faggot?

Happy birthday!

jesus christ youre a fucking retard just sit down and do you add child

uh oh...

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Why did it have to end like this, user?
I thought we were all going to make it...
I didn't know they meant I would make it into boomerhood.

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Hey user, you're alive, you're comfy and browsing biz at a time where a lot of people wageslave. Life can't be too bad. Just go lift, trim your body and both your body and mind will be that of a non-boomer. Unless someone asks, they wont know. You will make it fren

>teacher wants me to a bring a toy to school tomorrow for show and tell
>have to choose between my plush pepe and my teddybear
>too busy browsing Jow Forums and dreaming about lambos to make a choice

life is suffering

wow 50 words, such struggle, much intense.

>Janitor told me it's penis inspection day in the supply cupboard tomorrow
>Haven't cleaned my penis so he can do a mouth test on it

But if someone finds my real age, they will know that I am a boomer and I will have earned their wrath.

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Thanks for single handedly doing this you boomer scum

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I'll write it for you pal. What's the topic

boomer cope

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Proving that Hitler was right.

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Well that's easy!

While many of our modern text and modern historians as well as the mainstream media will have you convinced that Adolf Hitler was a monster, the devil incarnate, the reality is that they are controlled by their Jew overlords. These are the descendants of their grandfathers who worked to undermine Hitler's leadership. And if you look at the facts, there are many arguments that Hitler was right.

You just earned 100 po.et tokens.

Yes, but you'll be the big man then. Show em a boomer punch

>25 words essay due tomorrow
>Can't even spell my name right..
Which shitcoin do i go all in on??

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you have to back unless you're hiding behind more levels of irony than OP

>250 word dissertation due by 2019
>can't stop browzing biz and fapping at braps

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But my boomer punch will be as weak as my dwindling will to live; The most painful part of waking up in the morning is realizing I'm still alive.
Boomers do not have the right to live.

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Fren, give in to the boomer cope. You're one of them now. Gotta learn to live with it

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>12 letter historical analysis of the fall of Constantinople due by 2020
>Only got the first six lettera

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But what if the other boomers don't like me? What if they bully me!!?

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Then you kill yourself

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that would actually be kinda hard

they got lazy - 11 letters
mounting shit - not really descriptive
it was the jews - too general

I wonder who could be behind this post...

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holy shit this guy

Move country, become riceboomer, you will be the big boomer in town

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You're a boomer now
Thanks for ruining the housing market fag

>When you haven’t checked your portfolio on coinogre in more than 11 seconds

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So many b8 layers (sigh)

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Sleep tight, pupper.



I've written longer sentences

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>be me
>get 99% of the work done in 1% of the allotted time
carried this bad habit into the workforce, but shit's pretty cash

You actual brainlet slash redditor that level of irony is standard and nothing unusual.

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Shut up you ungrateful whiny millenial. If you knew how to tie your bootstraps, then you could actually pull yourself up by them to buy a house. But you can't because you're life's been so damn easy you never had to learn. You kids have it too easy these days.

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Will I be able to go boom b00m all the way down to slant-eye town? Is that where I must go to get my rice soaked as a boomer?

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take a SHIT in your PANTS and smear it on the wall you old cunt

Be a dear and get to soaking my long white rice grain. I'll need it to be moisturized so it doesn't shrivel up and crack. Old folks problems, but I know you are understanding and compassionate like most millenials. Thanks, sweetie.

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I think you can hire chinamen for very cheap to do it for you, if you go to India they will even call you sir. Sadly, sanitation wont be available. good luck with adventures fren

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How many of these shit threads you gonna start boy? Why don't you fuck off?

>filters essay

Thanks fren.
Have a boomer punch.

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