Hey Jow Forums I'm new here and I don't know if this was discussed when the movie came out but what's your opinion on The China Hustle? Is it anti Chinese propaganda or is it more than that?
The China Hustle
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Either way don't trust chinks. That doesn't mean don't buy their shitcoins just don't become a community member that lives to defend them. Goes for every coin desu.
there's definitely a propaganda aspect to it, but regardless the chinks are scammy af. tread with caution around them. be very skeptical about chink coins.
It's true, I also watched video's of expats living in China describing their experience of China culture, the China hustle affirms what they say. It's all lies, shams and scams, it's in their culture to cheat eachother in the name of greed and a quick buck.
I don't know but it 100% turned me off Chinese coins. Always knew that things like WTC or TRX were obvious money grabs but I had some hope for NEO and VET. The bit in the movie about Chinese companies using the Chinese offices of big 4 accounting firms to "audit" them was especially eye opening. Not saying either of these are scams but I'm much more cautious now.
Ofcourse you'd think, silly tourists getting scammed but they do this to their own people aswell. (not even bothering the fact that these we're Chinese-Americans)
Expats think that because china is such an immense country with a huge population that there's no sympathy and empathy for eachother, they don't care because there's no way to relate when you live in a country with over 1 billion people, it's just you, on your own making it for yourself no matter how you do it, aslong as you have a result people will respect that. Ends justify the means so to say... no matter how selfish
Hey faggot
You are probably CIA, because you shill this faggot garbage movie every single day. Asians constitute far more of the world than the White Man, and while I have no doubt these insects are scammers in many cases, the idea that we should all shy away from business with them because of your "Muh Chinks" meme is absolutely asinine.
If you are impressed by my ability to spot your astro-turfing, which coincidentally began as soon as the tariffs and "trade war" with China did, please notify me of how I may contact with you so I can shill for the United States Gov't. I am currently underemployed considering my skillset and adeptness at the same type of operations you are executing on my imageboards.
Thanks, you fucking glow in the dark nigger. You aren't buying my NEO cheap.
Lmao im just a NEET and I'm new here, you won't believe me but I'm not a glow in the dark CIA nigger bby
more gwai lo that believe this movie mean mo money fo me
This gets posted every day you fucking kike. Provide me your email, i'd be better at your job than you.
Youre literally autistic
Is this about NEO or Vechain?
The part about tier 2 and 3 based cities and the part about misrepresenting company book value in foreign locales not being punishable are both worth knowing. You'd literally need to read the Chinese PR and compare it to the western PR to know if there's even a chance that the people behind the project will be held to account.
A lot of it is propaganda. Chinese people aren't too retarded to develop technology. There's just nothing stopping them making them accountable to outsiders. With Chinese exchanges being gone, this is a bigger deal.
Also look up mastery/harmony(face) VS exceptionalism/mercy if you want to understand the cultural differences. They are not us and you'd be stupid to evaluate them using the same framework.
Haven’t seen it but as an Aussie that has lived in China and knows plenty of chinks in Sydney because this city is fucking Chinese now, I can tell you they all cheat. All. No exceptions, from your uni teacher to your boss, your co worker, ur bus driver they will all cheat if given the chance.
Why? It’s complex and I have no idea but from experience I can tell you they will all cheat you And won’t give a shit.
I’ve never been scammed by chinks but I have chinks in my social circle who pretend to be aussies and shit but open up when u pretend to be scummy like them, it’s in their culture, if he cheats someone he won’t hide it in shame he will boast about it with his friends.
The China hustle is real and personally I think it has a lot to do with their society, the social tissue is fracfured despite being such a large society, basically being rich and influential is all that matters and the means to reach it don’t matter.
Ironically this is what will kill the dragon. It thinks it is strong but it just paper
It didn’t stop it from becoming the second largest economy.
I reckon China will unironically be numbah 1 within the next 50 years.
The Chinese governt is aware of this issue and they have the most dystopian programs in trials right now and some in place to curb cheating that could be detrimental to society, life as a chink will remain trash tho.
For example China is at the top of A.I. surveillance, they have the most complex and extensive facial recognition surveillance, they recently rolled out cameras to fine jaywalkers, every chink face is in a government data base.
They are testing a “reputation” system that works like credit score that gives or takes points based on behaviour that is considered against or in pro of government policy, and it specially aimed to curb online criticism.
Basically it’s an AI that monitors what you post and if you talk shit about the government your score suffers, government institutions will run ur name before hiring you or giving you contracts and eventually every company will If the trials are successful.
Actually had very shady experience with chinese people in person, so I was wuite skeptical from beginning, but after watching this movie I understood why I had long lasting gut feeling that's better avoid making business with them until you have someone who can back your interests and ensure bribes will get into right hands
Not to mention my experience with chinese crypto exchanges where you can deposit, but can't withdraw before you pass "real name verification", which could be passed by typing qwerty123 as your name and document ID. And this exchange is in business for 5 years. Can you connect the dots what they are doing under exchange label?
it specifically has a section on chinks using 'pwc china' and labelling them as a partner or auditor because its just a shady franchise and not actually real pwc
vechain's pwc announcements are all pwc china.
I saw that too but I'll give VeChain the benefit of the doubt because of DNVGL and Breyer etc
The current big Chinese coins are literally the same playbook as the companies in The China Hustle.
Promise the moon, overstate numbers and partnerships, corrupt "auditors", early investors and insiders get rich, and at the end, brainlet bagholders.
Reminder that a lot of legit Western companies fell for it (or were in on it) too.
Chinks are subhuman
VeChain lost me at the ridiculous scope creep this year. They seem to be promising every buzz word within a month of it getting big. They've also changed up VET twice. Once to do 2 coins like NEO because people like dividends (not to separate governance/utility). Once to dilute the # of circulating coins for the dumb money that likes to buy things for 10 cents and chant $100 EOY.
The scope creep though. Holy fuck. "Starting out" as a logistics chain then deciding to do smart contracts & issuing tokens & oracles. I'm surprised payment abstraction & debit cards & data market places & IoT haven't been added (they probably have and I just haven't kept up).
>I take my financial advice from Netflix
If it took you a good goy propaganda piece to realize chinks might not be 100% honest you're never going to make it
OP is from Jow ForumsButtcoin, 99% sure he's Tomatoshi.
americans don't scam anyone though. always buy white, right?
I would definitely hold my breath waiting for that call, if I were you, my dude
It's propaganda. You can find the same exact things happening in PA, MI, OH right now. There's a lot of it in Scotland, Eastern Europe too. I'm sure people say "muh FED SEC etc" but there's so many fake companies doing the same thing in the US it's not even funny, it's just that they do it less obviously.
The funniest thing about this movie is the Wall Street tards complaining about getting scammed when they're doing it to. They're just pissed cause they thought they could just dump money into something in another language/culture and they'd 10x their returns.
See all the scam icos these days? Imagine being the type of retard to actually fall for one of them. That's who made and supported this documentary lol.
Only good post in this thread.