Chicanos are americans not mexicans

Chicanos are americans not mexicans

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tiny brain: chicanos are mexicans
moderate brain: chicanos are americans
large brain: chicanos are neither

If they born in america then they are americans.

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they aren't real americans. they should be sent to colonize antarctica or something

>a mouse born in a stable is a horse

>there are 40 million mexicans in the US!!!!!!
>they count la creaturas like half wh*toids or half salvadorans and shiet as mexicans

Germany autism (aka furries) is not allowed in here please fuck off you don't know shit, please leave my thread thank you.

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>there is an American ethnicity

t. Buttblasted mejicano
Did they catch you trying to cross the border, my friend? :^)

Yes, it's anglo-saxon
Learn history

Oh i catch you dumb manolo living in germany you are not different from chicanos i suggest you to go back to you country chimanolo, now your opinion doesn't count or matter in this thread.

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why are creaturas de la obscuridád so obsessed with america and american culture in general, to the point where they want the new face of the usa (currently the 56% mutt) to be the 88% mutt (the mejicano)?

Macaco order your mind first then you write, Lol.

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El goblino della notte oscura

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am I ordering my mind for dinner?
how do you wanna cross the border and not get caught with that broken english?

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To be honest that coming from a monkey doesn't have any weight, in fact i feel bad for monkeys in brazil です, pray for the banana, Born to be a macaco world is a banana hue em all 1989 i am a macaco man 410,757,864,530 hours playing tibia

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They are mexican americans

mexicans are at the bottom of the world
nobody deserves the punishment god bestowed you. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy

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Shhh...sleep tight my boy just lay down and cry...cry until you sleep don't worry anymore be comfy, good dreams my sweet boy

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>under 15 minutes on a mexican thread and already feeling the BO from my armpits increasing
fuck you guys, I just bathed
I'm fucking out of this cesspit

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Since we are neither black, nor white, and we don't identify as brown, we take on either Mexican, Mexican-American, or Chicano as our identity regardless of our race, where we were born, or what some dumb nacos think.

You are american my boy, now go make america meme again my CHI boe.

retarded thread

b-bolsonaro presidente!!!

In that case all the real Americans are gone anyways.

Most wh*Teoid mutts are descended from Krauts and potatoniggers

t.chi in holidays visiting his abuelita

For some reason those germs x Mexican mutts are migrants and citizens of Mexico.