What's the Med secret to not killing yourself?
What's the Med secret to not killing yourself?
Vitamin D
Not being you is already a good start.
Probably family or something gay like that
Lithuania bros are you guys ok
there is a level of wasteness when you don't even try to kill yourself because there is no difference for you if you are alive or dead.
The weather is better
weather and food that isn't shit
very healhy and wholesome lifestyle for greece
getting killed by mafia before you get to kill yourself for italy
spain too lazy too kill self
>getting killed by mafia before you get to kill yourself for italy
epic maymay. Reminder italy has lower murder rate than france, germany and uk
because mafia runs government and fakes statistics
also all crime in germany and in france is done by italian mafia
in uk it's italian americans who forgot where their ancestors are from so they decided to go to uk to visit their "home"
we have families.
fucking átok
Why does Lithuania have such a high suicide rate? I could only gather because of the weather (non-exclusive) and a socio-economic transition (former USSR; non-exclusive).
They are enjoying the sunshine.
We don't throw our kids on the streets the second they turn 18.
id kill myself too if we had that flag
Family and friendship
they have an unique culture which has high expectations for men
As far as I can tell you've got more suicides than Ireland and Sweden so SHHH sweety
they have something better than a family: a welfare state.
>portugal is me...
>he think the mafia kills common people
Religious reasons. Suicides are reported as accidents because suicide is a sin.
Too lazy to kill self.
We notoriously want to kill ourselves because of the weather. You're just slavs.
good food
Living with your mum at 40.
Largely an attitude of not giving a fuck. In Spain it may be summed up as "mañana". Just makes for really laid back people, with the occasional burst of Latin temper.
we enjoy life
>Latin temper
we are much less violent than brits by a long shot
lol just stop
Unironically living with mommy until yo are ready or want to go. Stronger family bonds because of it ensure support for troubled people and less pressure on the neo adult.
>sunshine meme
most people kill themselves in the spring and summer in northern countries
Belgium wtf?!?!
HUNGaryans ahah
Food, sun, climate, culture of siesta and hot women.
>hot women
nigga, our women are goblino tier compared to yours
>wageslave countries which work 24/7 and make tons of money to gift to EU kill themselves
>lazy money leeching countries such as italy, spain and greece live and prosper
Soviet legacy. Before commies occupied the country, it was relatively ok for Lithuania.
At least your women are not braindead femminists
How do you explain poland and other east europeans then?
they have big booties unlike our women.
>Your women are not braindead feminists
>At least your women are not braindead femminists
my fucking sides, pic related, mayor of barcelona
Too poor to do it.
if by big booties you mean they are fat, yeah, they are, also small boobs
This. Not enough to live on the north pole with no light in winter, but it's always raining in the summer as well.
who are really the wageslaves here
Hope they're fine :3
I mean like that. My favourite body type in women - big hips and fat ass with small boobs
>hours worked
you are so naive, we just have tons of coffee breaks and some offices have a special room for taking siestas
lol you are weird, man. Being surrounded by slavic goddesses fuck your head
and here is her successor
offices are meme jobs everywhere. Even in america the capital of wageslavery
yeah, i'm sure you'd keep your job for long with one of the highest unemployment rates in europe when sleeping on the job. it's not like you're expendable or anything.
we are too intelligent for this world desu hence our spiking suicide rates
>we just have tons of coffee breaks
I am writing my master thesis in a middle sized company (250 employees).
Half the work time is coffee breaks
>fat with small boobs
How is this even happening? How is it possible?
>slavic goddesses
post a random HS class pic, no cherry picking, i am curious.
based and high t
wait, what? what? how the fuck? i mean, she piss on the street? why?
It’s part of our culture. Bosses don’t expect you to work hard and white euros don’t move here to find a job using their superior work erhics so they hire what they have.
Because she’s liberated!!!!!!
>a non slav posts a 10/10 slavic qt
>hordes of slavs claim she is a 3/10
every fucking time
u fuckin wot mate, disgusting
>based Orban!
>traditionalist culture, anti-degeneracy and right-wing government leads to prosperity and happiness just look at Hunga-
Are you gay or what?
Szomorú vasárnap vártalak 100 fehér virággal.
>implying Poland and east europe aren't wageslaves
Vitamin D
Killing yourself is seen as the manly way out. My great grandpa hanged himself over a girl. My mate's grandpa hanged himself too. It's because our culture still has Asian features.
Blacks have lower depression
fucking based
we could use some more suicides over here in muttland
Move all the niggers to Alaska.
Meds aren't black. But yes Sub-Saharans don't suffer of depression because: low iq, they don't reflex and basically perfect NPCs. Yes they are far more happy than whites and asians.
The paterfamilias. Traditional family values lead to happiness. Women are less slutty and have more dignity than women in other European countries and the men are brought up to be real men, and not sissies like Nordic men are.
The lack of the paterfamilias in Scandinavian countries is exactly why Nordic men are more likely to be beta introverts, cuckolds, and homosexuals.
No, your previous pic was disgusting. Face of dat women.. woosh. This one has nice ass. I prefer girls with big bundas myself, really like armenian and colombian girls.
Yes that face was not ok, couldn't found better pic but body is good
Tbh if we had American gun laws I would have killed myself.
Holy shit, this man has time travel powers
>mediterranean countries have traditional family values
Yes, they do. The paterfamilias is not made up pseudoscience. Now go fuck off and read a book for once.
we like breasts
good climate + developed culture of every day life + stable economic prospects
Meds are dolce vita culture, they enjoy little every day things
>men are brought up to be real men
Nothing manlier than living at your parents' house at 35, unable to provide for yourself and your family.
Certainly manlier than being some albino-looking freak that sits quietly in a corner while Ahmed is having his way with Nordic sluts.
good weather and good food.
Not being a faggot
I don't get that much sun and I don't want to off myself
Unironically socializing and sacrificing your "heights" for your "lows".
The paterfamilias might actually be the reason for half of the suicides.