You wake up in america

You wake up in america...

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get shot


get shot

I would like to live under the bridge but only if nobody came to bully me
but instead of camping tent I'd build small wooden shelter and put some burning barrels around like in movies

looks comfy tbqh

get shot

You would get bullied constantly, homeless people are some of the most obnoxious retards around. I'm sure that's universal though

>Wake up
>Ask nearby officer where i am exactly
>He challenges me into twister match
>Fail to recite the pledge of flag while spinning my dick clockwise after doing 360'' no scope spit into my own face
>"what a shame" T: officer
>Get shot

looks like Japan af

If someone comes to vandalize your camp are you allowed to defend yourself?

The castle laws in America are awesome but as homeless you're basically just trespassing and camping on government / city property, are you allowed to stand your ground then?

*buys a gun*

>> Wake up
>> got to Korean Shop
>> get robbed by Tyron
>> get shot
>> call the Police
>> get to the ER, leave with
a debt of USD 200.000,00
>> Lost your Job meanwhile
>> kill yourself with a Gun

You could go between them an the camp. If they attack you, you could act in self defense. If they Just destroy your camp? Probably not.

You are bankrupt, where do you get the gun?

lmao this guy doesnt get it

Everygood american has at least 4 guns and minimum one rifle.

Now who do I have to shoot to get a cheeseburger

>If someone comes to vandalize your camp are you allowed to defend yourself?
If you can prove self-defense (i.e. that you had reasonable belief that your life was in danger), then yes you can use deadly force. In pretty much every state.
On the other hand, the deck will be stacked against said homeless person unless it was another homeless person that they killed/injured. Homeless people have a reputation (mostly, but not always, accurate) as being mentally ill and/or violent, so police would be looking for anything that fit into that pattern before they actually started to believe the homeless man;s story. His testimony would subconsciously/unofficially be considered suspect until proven otherwise. And even if they were 100% in the right, I would expect some kind of frivolous vagrancy or trespassing or weapons charge, since homeless person + murder = scared homeowners, even if the closest legal homeowner is a mile away. The police would very likely get that homeless person to fuck off and not come back.
TL;DR being homeless sucks even when you do everything right

>castle laws
Not applicable here, as the homeless person does not own the property in question. I.e. you can apply Castle Law where you don't have a castle (lol)

You wake up there kek, you are not american...
Unless, the second you wake up there those guns spawn with you

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>burning barrels
That's some hobo shit style

>he has never been to america
as soon as you land on american soil, you're handed a .44 magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world

... everything it's exactly the same.

Thanks Oscar.

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and I rejoice

looks comfy

*kills himself*

That's oddly comfy. When I was in higschool we'd go to drink under a bridge, it was the best.

unironically looks like my backyard

>homeless guy sets up camp in the evening
>goes out the next morning to do whatever homeless people do
>high schoolers cut class and hang out there to smoke pot
>they light everything on fire
>neighbors pound on my door and say "omg is your house on fire dude?"

I have seriously seen the fire department go out there three times in one week.

goes shooting

That tent probably costs over 100k.

comfy desu

get shot

Yeah property values in the city are nuts.

>You wake up in america...
I mean. It depends which state I wake up in. If it's one of the shitty ones, my first action is to call the police and get myself hauled to the nearest EU consulate so they can fly my ass the fuck out of there, before I'm shot or have my kidney stolen

If it's one of the nicest ones like Vermont, Oregon, Massachusetts or states with some historical value, then I'll go sightseeing first for a few days, until hunger triumphs over my curiosity, and then I'll bail.

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