What is housing in your cunt like?

What is housing in your cunt like?

USA doesn’t have enough townhouses. I wish Brits came here and built based terraces with fancy names.
“The Flats at Sedgwickhamton”

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Problem is that house would cost millions.

>be a British colony
>don’t have cozy British houses

Who’s responsible for this?

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I think I used to live near that place. I was in the TW10 area.

we do, but not many

That’s what sucks about living in a new world country. We didn’t have aristocrats to make peasants build whatever they want. Everything has to be cost-conscious.

About 15km away

Thought it was closer, but still not very far. You're from around there?

Not really. South East London.

An 18th century house from my area.

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>Just inherited £250,000
>Trying to get a mortgage for an extra £100,000
>Could be a great house in the majority of of the UK
>Because I live in fucking London everything I could get is shitty

Fug dis

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Move out a bit, lad

Wew, you don't want to move out that place?

oh poor baby

Just drop everything and move out of the city xDDD

Trouble is if I move I just end up in commuter belt territory. Plus I cycle into work. And I want to get a place where I can rent rooms and be a live in landlord.

All I want is a comfy three bedroom north of the river in good commuting distance of SW1.

Or you could buy a Maclaren and sleep in a racecar

Not desperately. It's boring and suburban but I'm OK with that.

Buy beach side property and lease it

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Just inherit another million then.

That way I'd have to continue to rent here, it ends up being more cost effective to have a place in London and live in it.

This was for sale a few years ago, a bargain at £1.3 million

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I guess that's good, since it's probably cheaper over there.

Why not just build your own house?

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I’m buying a 2BR 1BA house in my neighborhood soon as I get my finances squared away.
I’m gonna put up a little Stone and wrought iron fence in front so it looks like a British house.
Down the line I’d like to add a second story but it’s damn expensive.

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Yeah it's cheaper, my 2 bed semi is prob worth about £350k.

>2 bed semi


Move to America my dude

My commute is bad enough already.

Attached is Australia's most expensive house that just got bought by some project management software dude
It used to be owned by a newspaper magnate whose empire's only real profitable activity now is a real estate website
Sums us up pretty well


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Planning to do the same. Thankfully they are only like 30-40k so I should be able to soon.

it's ok but I was expecting something more impressive for Australia's most expensive house

That's a cool house, makes me wanna try recreating it in the sims

This is Helsinki housing

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Where do you park your car?

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In my area there's a lot of rural single houses with big yards. The densest housing nearby probably consists of small apartment buildings or townhouses. In New England there are some old townhouses that are gorgeous and comfy af though