What did your country do during WWI? Mine fought so well that the war ended a year after we joined

What did your country do during WWI? Mine fought so well that the war ended a year after we joined.

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>Italy pls help
every fucking time

>hey how about we ally with two failing empires + bulgaria and try to fight the rest of the world

Wasn't Italy also supposed to join before bailing?


you guys almost got away with it too which speaks volumes about everyone else really

If Germany gave the British empire it’s overseas territory would have they joined on Germany’s side?

We got military training and some help from Germany and then gained independence with that help while they lost their war. Then we got help from them again in WW2 and kept our land while they lost their war


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we had prohibition to help the war effort
but soldiers were still allowed to drink

We sneezed.

we won the war single handedly and saved europe
dog bless

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we had a funny salsa with some other nations

We lost the first war.
We lost the second one.
And then we won the peace.


We helped all sides (including Germany) and made tons of money.

and we got raped by the russians and now arabs, fuck this shit peace.

On the other end of the neutrality spectrum Switzerland was denying all sides, even shot down allied planes entering its airspace.

>gained independence with that help
>kept our land

Jonne needs to pay more attention in history class.

Healed wounded soldiers
Held POWs

WW1: nothing
WW2: pic

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starved millions of jerries

Don't forget how you destroyed the receipts and embezzled as much Nazi gold as you could.

no, the eternal anglo would have taken it by force anyway. they must satisfy there imperial fetish.

Nah Britain can't have a single European power on the continent they were getting in any war. Especially because willy started making a fleet as well

It's a weird one desu, because if willy didnt have such a hard-on for having a fleet, Britain wouldn't have been as anti German. Britain might well have continued the policy of splendid isolation otherwise. Without Britain in the Entente, Serbia and Russia may well have been less confident against the Austrians and the crisis that led to WW1 may never have precipitated or have been over much more quickly.

95%: fought for their country
5% committed treason against their country
Guess which group we commemorate

There was too much pressure for there not to be war but without Britain France would have fallen and it would have been that fast war. Which everybody gives France shit for even though Germany did literally have a 50% higher population

Italy had no obligations since it was the central powers to attack
Just waiting for Russia to attack would bring Italy on their side, but nope, they fucked up that

And not only that, not many people know that in pre-war diplomatic interactions UK said pretty clear "we don't want to join an eventual war on France or Russia, just don't touch Belgium", and few weeks later what was the first thing Germany did? Yep

So instead of Germany, Austria, Ottoman Empire, Italy, Bulgaria vs France, Russia, Serbia, Italy went to the other side, UK and Belgium joined and with UK came the help of the US

Britain came to Germany multiple times seeking an alliance. Britain's major enemy was France, and to an extent Russia. It was Anglophobic sentiment in the German cabinet, particularly expressed through Bernhard von Bülow and Alfred von Tirpitz, that drove Britain into rapprochement with France. Before then, the British state was neutral to positive towards Germany.

Was American involvement in Europe (not including land-lease) more important to the allies winning WW1 or WW2? what do you guys think?

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Why would the UK care about Belgium? I thought that was just an excuse.

WWI is complex. The Allies were already winning, but the USA turned a probable win into a definite win and ended the war faster. Things might have gone to status quo ante bellum (other than the Ottomans, who were fated to collapse) had Germany fought the Allies to a draw, but the USA prevented that. It's impossible to guess what precisely would happen there.

As for WWII, the USA was absolutely necessary to defeating Japan, did most of the work in defeating Italy, and was the deciding factor in North Africa. Could the USSR have defeated Germany without a Western Front to draw German resources? Impossible to guess, but obviously the USA saved Western Europe (besides Portugal, Switzerland, and the UK) from being liberated by the USSR afterwards.

We won the war at vimy ridge ;^)

>the USA was absolutely necessary to defeating Japan
Questionable as to whether or not they'd have joined the war if you guys didn't exist though and hav those trose trade embargoes on them.
>did most of the work in defeating Italy
Get fucked.
>and was the deciding factor in North Africa.
Get fucked even harder.

Meant for .

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Dumb question because britain joined the war due to the fact that germany was building a fleet to protect said colonies

Only Americans think he mattered.

Belgium was their buffer state and also its a bad precedent if you don't honour the treaty. But it was also mostly an excuse, the army had basically agreed to help France by then anyway and the navy to guard the channel coast for them

The Low Countries have always been seen as a major threat to Britain's security if in the hands of an able power. Anxiety over their possession has been a fundamental part of English and later British political strategy dating back to Elizabeth I. Her chief minister called them a "counterscarp".