Muh inefficient learning techniques

>Muh inefficient learning techniques
>Muh rote memorization
>My high test scores with low actual knowledge because we're basically just told to memorize the answers.
>Muh barely above Western test scores with 1000x more effort.
>Muh suicidal depression and massive teen suicide rates and often cited no.1 emigration is by parents wanting to get their children out of the shitty brutal education system.

Why in fuck do countries like Japan, Korea, China have such shit educational methods?

Attached: 4651489050_ab2c2b13dc_o1.jpg (930x523, 221K)

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ant people with an ant religion

We deserve our homeland but degrading other people instead of loving our people more is not gonna report what we want
Like they say because i like my children is not like i hate the rest of them

We must fight with the banner of our love for our ancestors not the hate for the rest

Stop lumping Korea's education system with Japan's.
They're very different.

>Western schools
>Completely underfunded
>All the funding that goes to them, goes to prestige shit like sports programs, music programs, while most students are ignored
>Right wing neolibs sabotage any attempt at Education reform like Gonski.

We can't really talk.

This. The problem with western education is that it's been drastically defunded over the decades and little emphasis has been put on it. Then politicians spout the out of date view that Asians are only ahead due to rote memorization, when Asian education systems have been reforming for the past few decades away from rote and are now just more efficient.
Look at the mass teachers strikes across the US and the Republicans and Democrats going up to Teachers striking for better funding and spitting in their faces and literally cutting funding, look here in Australia when the Gonski reforms were pushed by teachers, the Liberals actually started to defund public education moving public funds to elite private schools.

Do you want to find love in Japan?

Attached: 398425-japanese-girl.jpg (749x571, 104K)

hey mexi user do you have that article about cattle being weaker in america then the new world?

It's funny how Australians are woke on the Asian issue because they're being taken over.

t. experienceier of china and realized they're morally, ethically, spiritually different than us. Lying, cheating, decieving, getting away with shit is considered a virtue to them.

We just accept that Asian culture is superior. I can't wait to waste all my biz money on 15 year old Australian idols who can't sing, stumbling through shitty Eurobeat tracks.

Social pressure to be the best basically, it's not like in the west where you'll have help to stop being a loser. Once you fuck up there, you're a loser forever, no 2nd chance. Although i don't think it's the same in China.

very american post

I don't know what that means, but I've had candid conversations where I've been told to my face they lie for the sport of it and see how far they can go.

There was an SBS series that followed exchange students around.

This (Reality tv show where they follow exchange students) does a pretty good job of showing the differences. Chinese school really does seem more based on how you're taught in University (primarily through hands off lectures)

If you like it so much you can move back there if you like it so much you can move back to

this is the kind of thinking that has made it so hard to deal with the paradoxical question. why does china continue to rise if everything about it is shit?

you are letting your arrogance get in the way of recognizing a real threat.

>Lying, cheating, decieving, getting away with shit is considered a virtue to them.

Pretty rich coming from a Jew puppet NPC.

Attached: caocao.gif (320x200, 1.66M)

My view is that it's like a reverse common core with the same objective. That is, instead of trying to exhaustively explain everything so that test scores get better, they're like "fuck it, there's no use trying to explain this shit the dumb ones will never get it anyways. Just have them memorize everything"

>The problem with western education is that it's been drastically defunded over the decades

Attached: IMG_0632.jpg (1024x768, 130K)

I wouldn't call Asian education just rote memorization, but it's very different. It's highly collective in nature, which is a positive attribute in some respects but also hampers problem-solving skills. It's rather funny to me that while we're trying to emulate Asian educational culture in western societies, places like China want to emulate aspects of western education.

shitty correlations


It's really just the harsh competition because of the high population density.

>Wh*toids making excuses

conficean cultural background

>>Muh inefficient learning techniques
>>Muh rote memorization
>>My high test scores with low actual knowledge because we're basically just told to memorize the answers.
>>Muh barely above Western test scores with 1000x more effort.
>>Muh suicidal depression and massive teen suicide rates and often cited no.1 emigration is by parents wanting to get their children out of the shitty brutal education system.
>Why in fuck do countries like Korea, China have such shit educational methods?
