Why South Korea is shit country but always claims to glorious Country Nippon??

Why South Korea is shit country but always claims to glorious Country Nippon??

Everybody knows Korea are downgrade of Nippon.

They are always frustrated because their society is shit.
no one can get a proper part-time job or office work.

Girls are all installing plastic in their face.

Their pride is only cheap American imitation K-poop.

Their economy is only Samuson but no small and medium‐sized enterprisessmaller businesses.

Their presidents are all criminals.

Why so South Korea is shit-hole??

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_South_Korea.svg.png (1200x800, 31K)

Based and redpilled


this thread is all about glorious Korea.

>Claims to hate korea
>Some how obsessed with it and keep making threads about it
Kawaii tsudere nihonjin desu


thank you
please enjoy this all about Korea thread.

T. East Korean
The truth never change no matter how hard you tryna deny

well well well and well ......

welcome welcome and welcome my qt Korea thread.

you are guest here.

please enjoy this qt Korea thread.

Attached: CQu4e_SU8AArOJu.jpg (480x270, 16K)

We wub you too jyapan fren

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Dont bullt Korea, you know they were only peasants and farmers less than 80 years ago. They came a long way