Make it

>make it
>pay to stick your four inch dick in a warm wet hole
>buy expensive objects that collect dust
>youre still depressed
>get plastic surgery
>still too socially awkward to leave the house
>youre still empty
>no one knows you exist
>your family doesnt want to talk to you anymore because you wont give them money
>post blockfolio on Jow Forums
>get called a larper
>it's 4am

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why are you posting the biography of Richard Heart?

mo money mo problems
-- tupac shakur

>pay to stick your four inch dick in a warm wet hole
Hit the gym and lose the beer belly. If your dick is below 6 inches it's because of all that tummy fat hiding the actual length.

>buy expensive objects that collect dust
>get plastic surgery
Only normies do this.

>still too socially awkward to leave the house
>youre still empty
>no one knows you exist
There's no easy fix, but if you start exercising, going for walks, and force yourself to talk to people - at first nothing special, just say hello, then eventually you'll build up courage to strike up a conversation.

>your family doesnt want to talk to you anymore because you wont give them money
good, fuck those people

>post blockfolio on Jow Forums
>get called a larper
why the fuck are you using blockfolio, are you literally a fucking normie?

Attached: 1513971582808.jpg (641x530, 51K)

(no giveaways)

I'm happiest when I can buy what I want get high when I want-drake

And imo it is the truest thing I have realized

Find the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, then your destiny becomes clearer

youll be right mate! its a long process but just take it a step at a time. i would say its a great place to start with some RSD videos / start learning social dynamics. You have money now but make sure you have a purpose. Break it down into goals and aim to achieve as much as you can each day to build your confidence and self esteem. If you don't have a purpose, get a shitty job and see what you wish you were doing while you are working at that job, then go do it. The family issue is fucked up but not much you can do. Real family is the people you choose ;) Doing the above should take care of your depression however if its severe consider seeing a psych and getting meds. If you are still struggling with the psychological side of things, hit up some Jordan Peterson videos. They are fucking amazing for learning how to understand yourself. And if you have lots of money, it will also be a cause of concern / worry. I guess you could do something like invest it all / a % in property and tell your family that you don't have it liquid anymore. Live off the rent and spend your time building towards that purpose we talked about earlier.


get out

If you want to get over your social awkwardness, get a job where you have to talk to people on the phone. I am dead serious. Once you get used to it you'll find a lot of your social inhibitions are no longer a thing. At that point, quit the job and enjoy life.