My dad bought me this gay ass watch for my birthday. Only fucking costs 300. I wanted a fucking rolex ffs...

My dad bought me this gay ass watch for my birthday. Only fucking costs 300. I wanted a fucking rolex ffs. He literally makes so much money from his businesses every month

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sell it to buy ZIPT, go 10x in 1 month and buy a rolex

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fuck off

Love your parents anons.

They will be gone before you know it...

Nice fake story bait. I forsee over 100 posts in this thread.

I'll buy it from you for 600

Kill yourself, privileged rich fag

I threw it in the trash

My cock is thicker than your wrist what the fuck

That's actually a $30 knockoff he gave you.


lets see a better picture faggot

you're going to get a rash wearing it, definitely don't get it wet or the nickel ions will poison you.

Can you pay with Monero? I have something you will like.

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Your dad is based lol be glad he got you anything at all.

You should test it for metal content. Toss it in the microwave for 45 seconds, if it sparks up it is a fake.

What kind of watch is it user?

this desu.

My dad is dead I'd give anything for a dumb shitty watch even from him.

OP you're ungrateful and you'll never make it if you don't change.

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lol @ ur life wristlet

lol. watches are literally for faggots. bitches like lambos, and expensive homes.

>not even a Pelagos

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also this
are you 14 OP?
Eat a fucking steak

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>Tudor Black Bay
More like 3000

be happy that you have a dad, ungrateful asshole

Wow, your dad treats you like a cheap whore. You should take that watch and slap him across the face with it and then walk out stomping your high heels. Faggot.

my dad didn't wish me a happy birthday for 10 years you atlantic faggot.

Hey OP,
are you from Germany?

He lives in Bradford in the UK.

>dat tiny-ass wrist
are you a twig? you look like a twig

I hate faggots like you

He should have bought you some Anal-eze and a gift card to the AIDS clinic you sissy faggot.

>when literally your only concern in life was that your rich dad didn't got you a rolex
kys for being a human failure
