Working in Japan

Can I work in Japan with a construction job like plumbing with just a GED if I have a couple years studying Japanese?

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I wouldn't hire foreigner to fix my plumbing

Think of this logically. Why the fuck would you import a construction worker with no higher education and mediocre language skills at best when you could just hire a local for the same price, if not cheaper, plus you don't have to sponsor a visa or worry about them flaking on you since they were only after the visa.

If you were hiring for a company in America, why would you EVER hire some random Russian whose only credentials are "I self studied English for a couple years" when you could instead just pay some dipshit already in America for either the same price or cheaper.

No. They will turn you down. The only way you're getting into Japan and staying there is if you're working for a large business or if you're teaching, and English teaching jobs are a sinking ship.

Yes if you have a student, spouse, dependant or refugee visa. The government will implement a new type of working visa for blue collar jobs.

Enlist the US Navy and be sent to Okinawa or teach English If you want to live in another part of Japan
Plumbing is not possible because the United States is not involved in the Working Holiday Visa system.

why would you want to work in japan? they have horrible working conditions, even people in white-collar positions sometimes die from overwork

the US is like a haven of worker's rights in comparison to japan

this is baito

Because there are undesirable jobs that only foreigners will do (for shit pay)

At least Japan gets holidays

the US has holidays too

i've heard that in japan you can't take any vacation time even if your company offers it because you look bad to your boss

that doesn't really happen in the US, and that kind of gross violation of workers rights would open the company to all kinds of lawsuits

Do you love Japan?

I love Japan period

i like anime and natto, that's about it. everything else about your country is reprehensible

Fap off, we are full.

>i like natto

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You can in China

t. wh*te sexpat

Is that a joke about their flag?


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It's an old meme

>Could easily go to Canada, Australia, or any other generic Anglo country
>No big culture shock and you get a comfy welfare state
>Would rather go the Japan as a low skill worker competing against third world viets and cambodians.
At least take a vacation there to see if you can get enough pussy to possibly justify this. Traditionally the Japanese blue collar worker has actually had it a little bit better than the salaryman but what you are proposing to do would basically make you the equivalent of the central americans collecting almonds in california. Migration is really only for people who are wealthy, have strong local connections, or are in such shitty circumstances anything would be better.