G-g-g-guys are you sure chainlink is a meme? I read the white paper and it seems promising

G-g-g-guys are you sure chainlink is a meme? I read the white paper and it seems promising

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Yeah, "chainlink is a meme" is a meme
It's the most promising project in crypto right now
Just throw 10k at it and forget about it for a few years
You will make it

Thanks I was planning to do something like that
How much link do I need to make it?

Ideally, 100k but 50k link would do wonders aswel

One last question: do you really think it could hit $1000 eoy?

This level of samefaggottry should be banned

For sure, sergey is a very smart man and he's capable of anything
Just buy and hold for ez lambo to the moon

Haha xD ok never thought about it that way
Ok, I'm all in on Link
Thank guys


just buy what you can afford and DO NOT look at it for a year. the only reason u find all these idiots posting pink wojaks and fudding is because they went all in and gambled their life savings. thats fucking retarded.

Hello :) Nice thread

>the kind of sociopath that talks about chainlink all day

We have IDs you moron

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You come from a board that doesn't have ID tags don't you?

Chainlink is a scam dont buy

What makes you say that, though?

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you're literally talking to yourself, and we can ALL tell. Stfu.

jesus christ you've made an ass of yourself unless you feel this is "meta," in which case you are wrong and fucking retarded

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1k eoy

thats the joke
peak autism in this thread, from both of you fools and OP

lmao op is the highest iq in here (except for me, , and of course)

keep this shit bumped

If this many people agree then I might have to buy some link

I was about to say the same

who are you talking about?

We're observing a public meltdown here.

100k bagholder here and I concur with ops same flagging, good job bro your going to make it

buy mobius please is very good coin our CEO is non have obese thank you sirs

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No kidding. Reading link whitepaper was like the first time I read Satoshi whitepaper on bitcoin.

The Chainlink meme machine has broken down! Oh boy she’s gone rogue, look out it’s GONNA BLOOWWWW!!!!!

Kek. The absolute state of the pajeet shills.

Stfu faggot. Chainlink is a solid project.

I actually kekd a little. I like the Andy Kauffman shit OP ure alright. Keeps newfags away from LINK

Deluded linkie. Your shitcoin is the worst performer in crypto, ever

Buy OMG not LINK.

LOL. They don't even know we have Ids.
Go poo in the loo pradesh

this is the most creative fud i've seen in months. bravo, sir

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