What would you give to live (rent, $800 a week) in comfy Australian suburbia?

What would you give to live (rent, $800 a week) in comfy Australian suburbia?

Attached: comfysuburbiaaus.jpg (940x627, 98K)

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Post boipussi

nothing, straya is too far from everything

I'm convinced Australia is the purgatory.
It's not extremely bad perse but it's not good either and all you're doing there is being stuck in Australia.

Like someone who lives in a Fascist developing nation can look down on Australia. Fuck off then cunt.

Yes and I'm planing to do it.

>be australian
>get poo thrown at you


Nothing, honestly

>Australian rap
That shit is fucking awful.

Places like Melbourne inner north is good, but you're pretty much right with Australia, too far away from anywhere to travel cheaply or easily. Australia is also really lacking in biome diversity really, so it's basically the same views over and over again.

Australian suburbia is pretty much a sterile hell. I would never recommend living in it unless you're settling down with children and even then I would only recommend more "inner suburbs". Living in outer suburbs of Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Canberra etc is a life nobody should be forced to live.

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I'd prefer New Zealand, I find the landscape there more appealing

>$800 a week to live in a shithole isolated from the rest of the world

ill pass

apparently 800$ per week + the food cost

even for free

I don't even care what the conversion is...

>577.20 United States Dollars a week

... Yeah, no.

I could live here for that price. It would be a shitty apartment with roommates but I'd be in the capital of the world.

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I think I'm ok not being in a dying continent full of failed states, thank you

Good luck! Which city would like like to live in? All of them are different and suited for different types of personalities really

I would give a few years of my life to try it out.

$800 a week?! What in the holy... Does this price include hot escorts, golden jacuzzi and a personal butler?

australian cities are spookily suburban. theres no actual city. i dont understand how people can live like that
both sets of housing are 6km from the cbd, montreal vs melbourne

Attached: row houses.png (1442x1448, 3.33M)

You'll be bored and sick of looking at ugly modern houses after a week. Also 40°C days.

This place is hell.

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No and that's the baseline cost for the property. The luxury of not dying is extra.

I have no idea where he's getting $800 AUD a week from. Prices vary very widely in Australia and there are many different property types. You can have a small apartment in a decent neighborhood near the city for like $400 AUD in some areas but it depends where it is.

In general though, housing/rental prices in Australia are still absurdly high and many people struggle with it.

but you have so much untouched nature, I would discover it with mit travel bike

What are you trying to convey with this post ? They're both suburbia but with different designs. Québec has quite different urban design to Australia and even the rest of Canada so I have no idea what you're trying to say

yikes, get the fuck out of your parents' house and see other cities

he means our cities have way more suburbs
you'll find houses 2 minutes away from the cbd

What else is there supposed to be? I guess gentrification

But very little of it is beautiful nature like American or European forests and grasslands. Just thousands of kilometers of shitty dirt for you to get bitten by a snake and die in.

Go to New Zealand Instead.

Bit hard when they're hundreds of kilometers away and just share the same shitty buildings, accents and culture.

Compared to Europe with hundreds of easily visitablesmall cities and vastly different cultural regions, Australia is monotone trash.

>I live in Perth/Darwin and mum and dad never moved so I'm stuck here in this shitty place uwu

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lol Melbourne trams in the right column

Australia so shit, cultural cringe, etc. etc.

>lots of those trams were dismantled but are being brought back again because people were retarded for removing them in the 1st place
>its only one out of a dozen aspects
suburban sprawl is the fucking antithesis of good urban planning and you literally cannot argue otherwise
if you do, you're in the way

Attached: why is suburbia bad.png (1879x608, 493K)

>suburban sprawl is the fucking antithesis of good urban planning and you literally cannot argue otherwise

No. I don't disagree with you. But if you (?) actually leave Australia and LIVE in other countries you'll realize all post-colonial countries are diseased with urban sprawl. It is not just Australia. 90% of the United States and Canada is suburbia and very similar to Australia outside of the cities. This self-hate by zoomers who have never left the country is cringe-inducing because the US and Canada are equally filled with it (and no pictures of Québec as "Canada" please - they're worlds apart).

Also you (?) have no idea how good you have it here. Free of recession, earning a higher wage than almost everyone in Europe (unless you're some NEET parasite) and even unemployment benefits here are FREE (you don't have to work to "earn" unemployment benefits. To the self-hating pieces of shit - go live in some Euro shithole and see how much more difficult life is for people. You might have your nice little fantasy urban design but you'll realize that that means very little when life is a struggle

why are you getting angry for you retard

Australians are white sandniggers that live of natural resources and chinks, no contribution to humanity etc. I'd kill myself if I had to live among them.

We have state radio programs in Russian if you want to listen.


>ok guys i'm done trash talking out of jealousy I gotta go to my mandatory PiS confessional and tune into Radio Maryja or I might go to prison for being a communist

sounds like I would give 800$ a week

I'm an atheist and I support PiS, lots of atheists do. I do not mind Poland in christian culture, still much better than islamic culture that is spreading in the west.

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