Do schools in your country have class Presidents ? And if so how much power do they have ?

Do schools in your country have class Presidents ? And if so how much power do they have ?

>They could murder someone and get away with it

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No, there is a student council in our highschools where often all the Gymnasium nerds that have an interest in politics and LGBT rights assemble. They are tasked with organizing school parties and events for christmas and easter and such.

my closest friend is a school president and i'd often go to the student council room to play mahjong

I want to rape a Vietnamese class president and cum on her glasses

That's pretty weird man

Nah that sounds gay as shit
I can't tell if you're the slab one or the latinx one but fair call

is it? The image makes the image of the class president to be the typical straight 10's semi-nerdy girl that is actually a big slut and will end up in the HR or middle management, because she has no actual innate drive except being able to memorize shit and play the nice girl. So it would be fun to bang that, imo

Yes, at my school we used to have leaders / presidents for literally anything. Romanian bureaucracy spreads like cancer and overcomplicates anything it touches, schools included.

I touched my Class President's boobs once during 8th grade .

Look I think it was more the rape bit which was weird

none whatsoever theyre just there for show


There is one appointed douche responsible for having markers and a scrubber for the whiteboard. And other menial tasks the teachers can't be bothered wuth.

When I was in middle school, there was an appointed class. During the larger recess (20 minutes) - everyone was kicked out of the building, the appointed class would guard every floor and entrance like in a barracks. It's weird, in retrospect.

When recess was over, everyone would line up in formation in the school yard and the PE teacher would inspect and let them in class by class, in formation.

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fair enough

No. We had prefects, which is usually just kids from the eldest year who are the best male and female at something (math, sports, etc). I can't think of a single thing they did except abuse their power and push people around.

We used to have monitors, and I don't even know what was their purpose even, some sort of school activism maybe, but nobody gives a fuck of them anyways.

Huh , so I guess class presidents are primarily only an Asian-Middle East thing

Spen.No we did have a delegate in charge of dealing with trips and tests dates but nobody wanted to do it. We ussually vote for those we hate so they have to work.

I've done this
my gf in high school was class press and a huge slut when we were alone

>During the larger recess (20 minutes) - everyone was kicked out of the building, the appointed class would guard every floor and entrance like in a barracks
That sounds kind of based actually

I think they do the same thing in Turkey.

Were you popular at school ? Asking this because Class Presidents here were always some of the most popular kids

>They have to go to some kind of meeting with the teachers every now and then and listen to what they say
Every year we elected the kid that was absent or the one that didn't frequent at all.

No. No such thing.

It is gay as shit, one classmate kept pressuring me to become a “class senator” it’s exactly as cringe as it sounds

I played basketball and was popular enough I guess, not super chad though
I was also the tallest one in class for most of high school

Not in primary school but we did have a class president in high school, plus a "treasurer"

This, everyone hates those cunts with a passion because they took themselves too seriously.

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How tall are you?

We have
>class presidents
>treasurers (people keeping track of money spent within that class for irrelevant shit)
>student councils (i.e "class senators")
>administration councils with students in them

My school didn't have any of that either.

My school was a dictatorship.

No, usually secondary schools will have a class representative on a student council with a student president, but they have practically no power, all they really do is take part in planning events.

Must have been a crappy school if you didn't even have a room filled with glorified cunts who push for "purple Friday" and try to spam you with school events on Facebook etc. Who the fuck takes a high school party or Christmas gala seriously it's hilarious.

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I guess for the westen-type schools the positions between students are mostly equal, and its more about teachers authority and teacher-student communication.

I appointed as Vice President of Studying once by the teacher during Elementary school .
Though I think she did it ironically because I had the lowest grades in class :(

I live in a redpilled area. So gay rights wasn't a thing either. I never heard it mentioned a single thing throughout elementary and high school.

*single time

they mostly get responsibilities nobody wants
maybe it was prestigious when we were commies

It wasn't about gay rights. More that these kids that made up the student council were also the ones that participated in shit like MEP and UN debate club etc.
Also they were 80% female and nearly all of them are in Utrecht right now studying sociology or law.

It was always kind of virtue signalling as we had only 1 fag in our school and 2 lesbians. All of them wanted to show how great they were and caring everyone hated them for it, but only if they weren't popular kids. More than 75% was female and they all either do medicine, law or psychology now.

Eh over here they were mainly larping as university students. They even held a weekly friday afternoon drink the school had to shut down after they started inviting over graduated student (males) to fuck them.

>went to a school with like 5000 kids
>never seen a single fag or lesbian
Where do you get those people?

only 183cm but that's tall here lol

people only care about class presidents in elementary school

There are some. You just don't know about them since nobody is coming out of the closet in highschool. At least none did in my school but I happen to know there was a secret gay meeting every week (I didn't attend) with the maatschappijleer leraar.

I went to a high school with 1400 people in total, we only had havo and vwo.
I'm the same height and I feel average as fuck here.
Yeah all of them did pre-university of Leiden in my high school to make them feel better about themselves and to have a reason to feel better even.

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No we had class reps though or prefects as our school called them. They were there to represent our class but in reality they had no power

All the prefects in my school were the well-behaved ones who knuckled down, never saw them asserting themselves or pushing others about desu

>there was a secret gay meeting every week (I didn't attend) with the maatschappijleer leraar.

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Yeah Jesus fuck that. We had 4 heads of year for the entire grade and a few token council positions or some shit which didn't do anything and that was enough anyway

>mud da doo didda mup bo bibba

>Yeah all of them did pre-university of Leiden in my high school to make them feel better about themselves and to have a reason to feel better even.
Yeah they're pretty sad. All of them are women. It was pretty funny since by far the smartest students were boys who did stuff like wiskunde D and they couldn't give a shit about any of these groups. It was only mediocre blonde fucks with names like Nienke, Inge and Sanne who cared about this shit.

>Nienke, Inge and Sanne
kek same thing at my school, same names as well except it was Fleur, Suze, Lucy and Amber.

I didn't do wiskunde D but I did N&T with French and Economics and didn't do anything until my final exams and even for those things I did maybe 2 hours of studying in total and passed everything with a 7 on average and an 8 for physics and mathematics B.

The committee people and pre university people were always stressed out and bragging about how much they studied and I never got why they thought it was cool to say that.

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Oh man I completely understand you. I did EM and got a lot of snide remarks from all the butthurt Sanne's in CM about how "you probably didn't study at all and gonna pass it anyway"

They never cut in front of the tuck shop or lunch line they were supposed to be watching? What did yours even do then?

A few were fine but one prefect in my school got in trouble constantly, but because he was a chad, popular and very good at running, he was kept prefect. Rumour has it he even got another former prefect pregnant on a one night stand. Girl kept the baby but he has nothing to do with it or her.

Lmao they were all butthurt because they needed an 8 on average for medicine and it was tearing them apart. High school is chill here though compared to other countries because we didn't adapt to the Anglo model and mentality of studying your ass off because that's important for university yet. I'm happy we still don't like tryhards and people who brag about their grades and amount that they studied. Only now that I'm in university in my last year of my bachelor's degree I decided to join an active investing committee to build up my CV a bit and get more connections. We have a portfolio of about 10-15k euro's and have weekly meetings and have to pitch stocks and give advice and vote etc. See this is actually useful compared to being in a school newspaper or organising school parties.

Their only real role is to negotiate concessions with the professor on behalf of the class

Eh I'm in my 6th year of HBO now while most of them have completed their masters degree so in retrospect they might've been right about a thing or two.

Nah just do vwo and do well after high school. That should be enough

Completely wrong.
We chose the most stupid student of the class.
One year we picked a drooling retard.
Another one wo got the one who had been repeating the year for 3 times and just did nothing.

It was a stupid decision but back then it was financial crisis and a lot of news items surfaced about how HBO people had much better prospects at the job market than university students outside of STEM and finance.


I'm doing Economics now as a bachelor but will do a master's in finance for sure. Hope I'll go into risk management or trading tbqh. I have an in-house day Monday at a trading company in Amsterdam and hope to make some connections here and there.

I can only advise you to take an internship at a serious company if you ever get the chance instead of something 'easy' and nearby.
It is my only chance of ever earning a median wage.

What's your major?
Yeah ofcourse i'll do an internship but I'm planning on doing one during my master's in the second semester to write my thesis with them

I'm not going to tell my major since it was the stupidest decision of my life and among the worst type of thing you can ever do at uni let alone HBO.
As for your internship you should try to do a work one too. I think it is part of a masters degree. Many companies aren't too keen on taking in thesis students since they are there to study rather than work.

Not part of most master's actually, only the two year ones. And my master will only be 1 year. I'll try to find nice ones but there aren't many nearby as my uni is in Tilburg of all places. Maybe Utrecht is doable. Please tell me your major now I'm curious

Yes, but not much power. Most what she did was organize christmas and easter parties and collect money for birthday presents for students.
Thankless job with no benefits at all if you ask me

Prefects had the shit beat out of them out of school where I went.

There was no class president but there was a student council. It was filled with wannabe liberal politician girls who always decided to do stupid shit like a "vegetarian food week".

And you'd be surprised but I'm sure there's plenty of opportunities in and around Tilburg. Breda and Den Bosch come to mind.

With a bachelor's in bedrijfskunde you can still do some nice master's tbqh. Even you could still do aMsc in finance after a premaster year.

Tilburg and it's areas are horrible when it comes to risk management or trading though, only industrial companies here.

we have class delegates, they have to do all the chores like keep track of leftover documents and attend teacher meetings late at night and such

usually nobody wants to do it except the worst nerds
in high school we had it be random because the philosophy teacher insisted we do like in greek antiquity

basically this

I have been class president for a year. You literally have zero power, you are just the one who whines in the principal's office when your stupid class doesn't like something. Would never do it again

>get elected as class president the day i was absent
>don't even know until like 4 months later

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We have the delegate, their job consists of attending two assemblies a year. The chosen ones are often responsible, charismatic or stupid students.

Sounds very american

Yea, but only elementary schools, I guess.
I used to be the president of my class...actually, I did fucking nothing. No speech, just some popularity contest, I guess. I guess remember a guy once wanted to fuck with me and some kids told him "leave him alone, he's the president"...that was pretty cool.

>I guess remember
I remember*

We didn't have class presidents, but we did have "student council". Basically like everyone else said, boring cunts who take themselves too seriously.

Now that I am in university, though, I have grown to despise the parasites who occupy our student government. Pathetic little pencil-pushers, the lot of them. All striving for some modicum of power, all striving to become perfect little bureaucrats. These are the people who will eventually go into politics, insufferable little maggots.

We literally had only one Vietnamese girl in school and she was the class President.


Always cracks me up that vietoids still use the weird alphabet we made for them

this is how we did it two, a student counsel that didn't actually do anything but play make believe. Usually the same kids who got the positions freshmen year kept them until they graduated, no one cares enough to run against them.

Now that I think of it, every Class Pres I ever had was Asian. In fact, the whole student council consisted of Asians. They were probably the only people whose parents cared about them actually winning that meaningless popularity contest.

We had both class presidents and school presidents.
For my school they were always communist youth fags who organised marches every second week. Other than that, they didnt have any power, only responsibilities and so they took themselves too seriously.

Yeah kinda we have a "class representative" instead and elect to have a student council president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Multiple secretaries in highschool.

As far as I can tell its 100% meme office and they don't do jack shit but "represent the students".

I remember there was a vote in one of my primary school years but it was literally just a popularity contest, they had no responsibilities.

but we had sort of elected council for PE, depending on which sport you were doing.

Nope, none of that.

My high school class pres was in a gang and got in plenty of fights. Good times.

Only in elementary school. There's the class president, the vice-president and the treasurer.
The class president is the default pick for tasks like going to the teacher's room/the janitor to fetch shit that's missing in the classroom. The vice president does absolutely nothing at all unless the heavens align and he has to go instead. And then there's the treasurer, who actually has a lot of responsibility since he has to collect and safekeep the dosh for all small school trips - cinemas, museums and all that. He pays with his head if anything goes missing. As such, you have to be an absolute retard to agree to be the treasurer.
It's basically a meaningless popularity contest with all the girls like in the OP volunteering to compete and the class clown who joined the vote as a joke winning the whole thing.
There also was a school president with full-blown elections but I've never heard of them doing anything at all in the entire history of Polish education.

I'm 19. I was talking about when i was in HS

>not always cumming inside

Nah, the students would never accept some other student "authority" here anyway, especially in the higher classes. In my school it was commonplace to tell the teachers they can fuck themselves, imagine what would happen to some "president" trying to give you orders.

hardcore german tough kids