Europeans who have been to America, what was the biggest difference you noticed?

Europeans who have been to America, what was the biggest difference you noticed?

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fat fucks lmao

everything is bigger then in europe
cars, buildings, food and the people

>Average European
What does that even fucking mean?

You can see more mordibly obese people on day than you would see your entire life living in continental Europe, I think this doesnt apply to the UK though

I thought Germans were tall

I've never seen so many homeless people in my entire life (I went to NYC/Philadelphia), homeless people that were like my age or younger. Also I went to fast food joints where there were signs that told you to fuck off once you've finished your meals, pretty surreal. The tipping culture is pure madness. I went to another restaurant and they already billed 20% 'gratuities' and left another blank fill-in space for an additional tip.

Lets not pretend that most Europeans aren't on the chubby end of the body spectrum. Obesity is a major problem for the western world.

Everyone in europe is autistic
Everyone in America has downs

NYC and Philly don't have that many homeless - even Paris has a greater homeless population. If you want to see homelessness, go to Seattle, Portland, LA, or San Francisco. There are entire blocks of homeless camps.

Ruder people

???? Europeans are old user, young people here are not chubby at all

>Bavarian culture now is not even average German, but average European

Pretty crazy how many homeless there are in France. Was kidna shocked when I saw it for the first time. Thought they have a nearly as crazy social security system as we have...

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Mutts without no culture, everyone is fake and plastic.
would not recomend to anyone

I noticed a lot of people who would work themselves to death for no reason at all, except for consumerism

it is sad

Have you noticed a lot of them are young white people and some have very healthy looking dogs with them? half of them are hippies that travel around the country and the other half are gypsies

People command you to have a good day, they also ask if everything is okay a lot

Everything is insanely spread out compared to here. Your roads are so wide, buildings are like 70 metres apart from each other

Not to mention that the all consuming blob on a mobility scooter is still a rare sight here

I’m surprised that in Paris people can be begging with kids. I’m spanish and you NEVER see that there. If I saw someone using a kid to beg I’d call the police straight away, it’s punished with a year in prison.

This I was shocked, I thought Americans were meant to be polite but people would never hold doors, please and thank yous were in short supply too. Shocking

These people are not homeless people they are beggar gangs that get dropped off in the morning by their traffickers from a van and picked up in the evening to give them their cut.

I was gonna say this, the idea of having to drive at least 30 minutes just to go to the shops is mind blowing to me. A lot of people treat an hour long commute like it's nothing.

>Have you noticed a lot of them are young white people

Not really. Mostly older guys or gypsis.
Also what he says: Not sure if they immediately throw you into prison but they damn sure take your kid.

Doesn’t matter, my point is that in Paris it’s allowed while I’ve never seen it in other places such as Spain (where I know it’s illegal) or Sweden.

I find it shocking and I wanted to share it.

Almost everyone I talked to about whatever random topic seemed absolutely sure in themselves about what they were saying, I think people in Europe are more self doubting unless they're 100% sure they know.

I feel that rare sight is not strong enough to emphasize how uncommon it is
Ah, you're talking about Paris, you have to remember that left wing people are very powerful there, separating a child of colour from a minority parents is like the holocaust to them, now if they were white and the parents voted for FN that's another issue

This is probably true, I think I always present idea I am not sure about as if they are factual. Something to do with being confident and not weak etc.

i have never been to america but my experience was that you are all fat and mutts

>Ah, you're talking about Paris
Where it was the most obvious was in Marseille, tbqh.
There was a young women (gypsy) that really seemed to live on the street with a really young child. Seen her like 3 times, that last time really late with a sleeping bag and all kinda close to the harbour.

Depends where you go desu
New England and PNW have European levels of autism and rudeness

everything is fake, artificial and unclean. nobody has manners, and nobody seems to care what people think of them.

Huge portions, big cars, unhealthy food, lots of morbidly obese people etc. etc.

But I remember one specific thing. European shopping carts have all 4 wheels which can spin 360 while in US its the only 2 back ones and front ones are permanent straight

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Jesus you're masochistic, where did you go next? roubaix? lel
We don't let gypsies beg with children in most of the country.

Who the fuck falls for the gypsies, honestly?
They've popped up in Toronto and the only people I've ever seen give them money are fresh off the boat muslims

Ah, so instead of not letting them anywhere, you let them in designated begging cities.

Don't get me wrong there are beggars in every large French city but I never seen them with kids in places like Strasbourg, Metz, Lyon,etc and a lot of those beggars are white backpackers

Everything about your country just screams " unhealthy and dangerous"
unhealthy food
unhealthy and dangerous cities
dangerous jobs
unhealthy people

seeing america made me appreciate poland even more

I can see where you're coming from but most of the time people did this I thought they were idiots because I knew they didn't know what they were talking about just like me but they acted like they did.

Europe has some fat or overweight people but obesity isn't quite as widespread as it is here.

A lot of roads. Everyone talked with me. People were friendly. Cops in bathrooms. Bathroom doors that let people look inside. A lot of water in the toilet. Fat people. Food lacked taste.

I'll take "unhealthy" from like Spain or Italy or whatever, but USA has a longer life expectancy than Poland does.

my brother visited brazil, mexico and california, but i didnt go with him.
imagine an european that gets exactly the average salary, the average house and the average physical condition of the EU citizens

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Anyone involved in any kind of security in America seemed uptight as fuck compared to Europe. Like I swear mall cops think they're in the army or something.

Europe is going through an obesity epidemic but they are ~15-30 years behind USA on that front. USA is the canary in the proverbial coalmine, much like South Korea is with declining birth rate.

Like in 2014 ~30% of Britbong adults were obese. That's where USA was in 2000. And obesity isn't slowing down. By 2030, Britbongs will be as obese as we are today. Unless we solve it which so far not much has worked.

That’s stupid, you may have healthier lifestyles but worse healthcare, for example.

>so far not much has worked
I wasn't aware that you were even trying to solve it so far.

No, imagine a Bavarian guy wearing lederhosen and drinking a giant mug of beer.

Our healthcare is good just not free/cheap. One of the biggest misconceptions here

thats german/central europe, not overall europe

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>worse healthcare
Actually the healthcare is world-class, it’s just usually expensive if you don’t have a job with an insurance policy, though those are pretty standard, even supermarket employees can get company healthcare once they go full-time.

I think we have better chances because we don’t rely on cars like Americans, and we don’t have problems like lack of access to groceries shops (at least I’ve never heard of it), our schools serve rather healthy food...

I’m not pessimist about this.

I wasn’t talking about yours, I’m talking about poorer countries.

This. Also your average american negro is tiny. Not like in the movies.

>lack of access to groceries shops
This phenomenon is pretty exclusive to low-income areas that have a high enough crime rate that putting a store there is unfeasible for most grocery chains

Why did you think I was talking about the US? You obviously don’t have healthy lifestyles in general. I was talking about countries that may have lower life expectancy but healthier lifestyle. The lower life expectancy may be due to other factors.

Child obesity stopped increasing the 00's in Sweden. There are subgroups who are getting fatter but most people aren't in Sweden.

They've been hand-wringing about it since I was a kid.

So far its a lot of passive "educational" stuff--like in school we all had to learn how desert was a "sometimes food" and not eat too much sugar or fat. They had the food pyramid which they later redesigned. Kids tv pushes them to eat healthy and exercise. For adults, every doctor will start nagging you to lose weight when you get too fat, and media makes no secret that it will kill you.

Later on schools started trying to ban sodas/sugary snacks etc.

But you can't educate people away from food. And we just keep getting fatter anyway, same as Europe. Now Europe's past where the USA was when I was a kid, and USA is making new ground in obesity. All the cute posters in the world telling you to "get exercise and eat your veggies" doesn't make chips and video games less fun.

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It seems we misread the previous exchange

But in our ghettos you have shops evreywhere selling weird south asian or african fruit and vegetables. I dont understand how food desers are a thing

Stores can't stay open if the are literally shoplifted out of profitably

I can see it changing soon, it definitely seems like kids nowadays see being healthy as a bigger deal. Once boomers die off maybe it'll move in the other direction

>Europe is going through an obesity epidemic
We really aren't, its just the median age getting higher.
>B-b-but the UK
The UK is dysfunctional as fuck because of their relationship with you

What has us being fat got to do with America? The stereotype of an English man has been a fatty since the 1700s. I think Europeans dramatically overestimate how similar we are the the US, we share a lot of media because we speak the same language but our cultures are different. We're more similar to Aus/NZ

Base and swedepill, if it sticks then Sweden is first to defeat the fattening.

>lack of access to groceries shops
"Food deserts" was a popular theory for why poorfags might be fatter than richfags, but in fact obesity doesn't correlate with food deserts. Food deserts are a problem but not for causing obesity

Walkability does help somewhat in cutting obesity rates, but its still rising there, just less so. Schools are also required to meet federal guidelines for being nutritious and I think those standards have only gone up since I was a kid, though hasn't made our kids less fat.

Moomers are fatter than Boomers were. Zoomers are fatter than Moomers were. I don't know how Boomers are still making everyone get progressively fatter and fatter long after they've finished raising their kids. But if you say so.

Was really better, yeah.
Bordeaux was also pretty bad, tho.

I am glad that Bavaria became now the Rolemodel of culture for entire Europe.

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Okay so France's obesity rate is still skyrocketing but its purely a result of Frenchoids just getting older and older and unable to replace themselves.

Obnoxious stereotype of French kids in the USA is that French kids are much less "picky" when it comes to food and will eat real meals instead of whining for chicken tendies all the time.
Bit cringe but there you go.

You are wishful thinking the world to become as fat as you are, lardass

People were fat. House seemed poorly built. Entire roads full of niggers

My family has been to New York and are going to Florida. I thanked no twice since I'm never setting a foot on your soil.

Wishful has nothing to do with it.
UK obesity rate is where USA was in 2000. France is where USA was in the mid 1990s (though the other Frenchoid says this is purely due to France's fucked up demographics and aging). The WHO considered the obesity epidemic to be a global one, not American-specific, and one that isn't stopping.

Same thing when people gawk at crashing birth rates in East Asia. These things are general trends throughout the developed world.

Attached: 46058025Graph 1.png (527x370, 22K)

The UK is one of the only countries in Europe that actually measures obesity rates. The rest just use self-reporting.

You don't really understand the dimensions of an obese Person in the US and an Obese Person here.

Some dude with a beer belly is obese here. This is not what is thought in the US as Obesity.

We are basicly ameria lite why is it a suprise so many people are fat

Your graph shows France its at lower than USA's 1970s level despite having probably twice the median age
The lard has gotten in your brain dude


Obesity I think uses standard definitions. BMI of 30+ is obese. Now there is also "morbid obese" which is BMI 40+ or 35+ with complications. BMI of 25+ is overweight. But its not like USA has a different definition of obese than Germany does.

USA is absolutely further along in obesity epidemic than Germany is, though apparently Germany is another country not too far behind. You might have lower rate of morbid obesity, possibly.

All American = ex-European right?
so American === European.

Anglo countries are the by far fattest.
Fattness increases here.
English skills too.

I guess speaking english makes people fat.

Yes that's how modern science works.

The average American lives in a fuck huge house. The average European lives in a house smaller than an American's closet.

That's not how it works.
We don't consider Americans to be our "brothers'' or anything.

???? Some American are from Europe or descended from Europe but some are from Africa, Asia, Pacific Islands, or Native to Americas.

Varies a lot depending on the country, but in my case it’s true. Living in a house to me seemed like something from the movies.

A man and woman in outdated traditional German dress do not represent the average European.

They don't even represent the average German in this day and age.

That's graph is overweight + obese, I was looking at this map showing obesity rate around France (~10-20% depending)...

Attached: figure4.png (806x608, 111K)

+this graph showing American rates through the 90s (going up 10-->20%).

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where's that? I dont live in a very big city (only ~40k people) and it is only 5-10 minutes for most people

I'm guessing he visited way out in the countryside. You can easily drive for 20+ mins in just farmland there.

>d-d-dont look at the other more accurate graph
fuck off m8

Look at whatever you want buddy, you already said your skyrocketing obesity rate is a product of aging and not lifestyle at all. Which I believe. Europe is further along in the demographics crash than USA is.

The first graph I posted was obesity+overweight the second two thing I posted are purely obesity. But again, if its all a product of demographics it hardly matters.

Average european would be much poorer and thinner with more muslims but less black people and jews

>???? Europeans are old user, young people here are not chubby at all
Just weight. You'll be fatter than us in no time.

>The new WHO report, presented Wednesday at the European Congress on Obesity in Vienna, indicated that of 34 countries in the European region, the countries of Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, San Marino and Spain had the highest rates of childhood obesity. In these countries, approximately one in five boys was obese (18% to 21% of boys). Rates of obesity among girls were only slightly lower.

>Childhood obesity is more prevalent in this region than in the United States, where approximately 17% of children are obese, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Huh here's the opposite. Usually the back wheels are static and the front ones turn. But there's also all 4 wheels rotating ones

Now compare southern Europe to southern USA
Fuck off lardass

>Childhood obesity is more prevalent in this region than in the United States, where approximately 17% of children are obese, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
whoa based looks like all our dumb childhood educational materials are doing SOMEthing at least (lol jk our kids are still getting fatter)

Attached: kids-nutrition-pyramid.jpg (1600x1067, 383K)

fast food chains everywhere
it's not rare for some people to eat exclusively at fast food chains
americans just eat out a lot more

>meds don't count!!
Why are you so defensive when you know your skyrocketing obesity rate is just based on you getting older?

I don't take America's obesity rate personally, I see it as a problem to be solved, a problem that is pressing in many nations. I'm not fat myself and its not offensive when someone points out obesity rates in the USA. But you seem to take it really personal when someone point out obesity rate in Europe. Are you fat, Jean Pierre? Post tummy with timestamp to prove otherwise.

>New England and PNW have European levels of autism and rudeness
New Englander, I can confirm. We maybe not European levels but unless we recognize you or your at a bar or something we won't interact with you. If you're hurt or were robbed we will help but that's kind of it.

Why do americans get so defensive when people points out stuff on their country, specially obesity?

>US its the only 2 back ones and front ones are permanent straight
What shithole stores did you go to?

Implying Euros dont go to meme areas here.>unhealthy food
Your food is some of our unhealthy food, same with germans and Mexicans. None of you get to talk. Unless you went to the south and then I can't defend them, they are trying to commit suicide slowly.