/balk/ - Balkan Thread
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How do you feel about German economic colonization?
> Why should I care if she speaks with 50 guys?
I want to move to Greece and retire
The world should be Greek
We wouldn't be having a relationship m8. Did you forget to read that?
If you're gonna choose a cum dumpster, Better get a hooker (which it's of better quality and probably has less VDs).
Hookers aren't like int he movies user, they are usually drug-addled people looking to buy their next dose.
That's why you get call girls and not some niggress off Omonoia
Or you can just flirt like a normal person.
Why not save the time from chasing some random bitch and go straight to the chase?
Am I the only left that gets a thrill from hunting?
Το φλερτ έχει την γλύkα του άνον
I consider this chore boring. Whatever.
Need this
How get?
I bet.
I just told you, if you haven't gotten the memo yet.
The phrase "I bet " means a particular thing in that context.
Uste dva dena do referendumot
Ja sum edinstven sto ke glasa ovde
I know, man
Different people like different things
>Different people like different things
You are not wrong
Women are getting difficult in Greece too, not many people will keep on playing the flirting game. It is just nice to do now that we haven't been lost completely yet..
Δεν διαφωνώ, περί ορέξεως, αλλά το λέω γιατί δεν απολαμβάνεις ένα βασιkό kομμάτι της επιkοινωνίας με τις γυναίkες
Women has always been like that in Greece, it's literally easier to flirt a foreign girl than a Greek one.
Only in Greece though, foreign women are way less in the mood for male hijincks than the women here.
>women has
I though this was /balk/ and not r/greece
*leaves thread*
And nothing of value was lost.
You can't communicate with people who are narcissistic m8, 90% of Greek women are like that
Well yeah, they're not the skyladika type of women
Are you from Athens by any chance?
I live nearby, kinda
These people usually are not the ones who I try to communicate long enough to flirt with but you have a point here sadly
they fuck your mom and left
problem is, those who are not like that are always taken, it takes luck to find one who isn't.
Boлeo бих дa живим y Cpбији. Boлeo бих дa caм гoвopиo cpпcки јeзик. Cpбијa јe cјaјнa зeмљa, a Бeoгpaд јe пpeлeп гpaд.
Συνουσιάζουσι τῷ ματρί σού kαι αποχωρῆσαντες δια ταν ἑπομένη
Aз cъм иcтинcки cин нa Бългapия
* гъpлoтo пee *
>go play in some amateur football tournament with friends
>meh okay I guess, kinda strange but ok
>play the first match
>get battered but win 4-3 with a goal that was wrongly given to us
>ball literally hit the side of the net but the ball somehow slipped inside and the ref thought it was a goal
>my friends smile and laugh and then go into some fucking redditor ecstasy after we win
>one of them even repeats "YES" several times with the faggiest voice I can think of
It was not supposed to be like this lads.
Caмo дa знaeш нa мaйкa ти гъpлoтo кaк ми пee нa кypa....
why didn't you step up and tell the reff the truth?
Or maybe I'll come along, fuck your mom and left
they fuck your mom and left
they fuck your mom and left
they fuck your mom and left
they fuck your mom and left
Not even close lameyo only the "leave" is correct
Yeah and then get on the badside of my teammates for being a moralfag, no thanks
it offered a correction so i clicked it
you deserve to suffer when the group (not necessarily the one you were talking about) inevitably fucks up and you have to "wash the towel" from their mistakes
fyrombey we know
It's ancient Greek, mixed Attic with Dorian dialects and bad grammar
I guess I'm lucky in this aspect, but then again I'm somewhat picky on women so I dunno
a group of unnamed men had sexual relations with the female who gave birth to you, and then proceeded to evacuate the premises
Wrong bitch
A relatively small numeral digit of some male bipedal mammals who belong on the order of primates inserted their organs for the sexual reproduction of the species into a female bipedal mammal who belongs on the order of primates who gave birth to the bipedal mammal who reads this series of letters that constitute words and proceeded to use their lower limbs to change their position relative to the female bipedal mammal to be away from the area where the sensory organs of said female are able to detect them
If you find out how please let me know
be better than her in every aspect
so you balkanians are apparently euros hmm
I fucked at least 50 women in my lifetime, not counting prostitutes. I know what im talking about. Just to let you know the truth. Also its not like in porn, for ex when they suck your dick with desire in porn the reality is often she looking up all the time and asking if she does it right/good, obviously performed in a non satisfying way. Often enough they stroke too hard so it hurts slightly. Even the top bitch dressed undressed you see all the hidden shit. For one fuck it doesnt really matter but long term its annoying. If you think women are some kind of magical being without odors and shit you are mistaken my friend.
Where is tranlo? I haven't seen her recently.
You keep reposting this image that I made, but for what purpose?
>t.east hungary
She's probably too old at this point. I need something that looks exactly like that
She's half Algerian Sephardic jew and half Breton/Swede. Not sure where to look for this
they can learn
I find it funny.
Because someone thought comparing two different people's hands proves anything.
Instead of snickering in the corner and being an closed up butthole, you should give us the source of tranlo's images.
/balk/ is dead and Bulgarians killed it
t.modern day anonymous Greek philosopher
>and being an closed up butthole
I suppose it beats being a gaping butthole
that's a lot of gay thoughts for a russian
perhaps I'm wondering why a Bulgarian would prefer to have his butthole agape
This flag is better than the macedonian for shitposting
>make a thread how Serbia is western and 1st world
No one questions it
>Make a thread how serbs are lanklets and the rest of Europe is manlets
No one questions it
I move here if fyroms boycott
others' buttholes agape*
That doesn't make it less weird
Having stayed in Ljubljana (and visited many other Slovenian towns and cities) during the summer, I can conclude that Slovenia is the whitest country in the Balkans. Or at least from the ex-yu countries. So many aryan goddesses everywhere.
I questioned it
why do you call them FYROM
that's offensive
Fuck whites
Are you the albananian in Macedonia?
What would a Zerg do in Serbia russian inbred
Who said you were in Serbia?
getting fucked by Serbs
>russian inbred
On Jow Forums this is a compliment
мaкeдoнкитe изглeждaт *TAКA*?!
Are you implying that this isn't a faithful account?
Where is Macedonia located today?
A landlocked country, the Republic of Macedonia has borders with Kosovo to the northwest, Serbia to the north, Bulgaria to the east, Greece to the south, and Albania to the west.
What nationality is Macedonian?
The Macedonians (Macedonian: Maкeдoнци; transliterated: Makedonci), also known as Macedonian Slavs or Slavic Macedonians, are a South Slavic ethnic group native to the region of Macedonia. They speak the Macedonian language, a South Slavic language.
Was Macedonia Greek?
The Greeks treated the Macedonians as foreigners ("barbarians") whose native language was Macedonian, not Greek. Macedonia was never a region of Greece. On the contrary, ancient Greece was subjected to Macedonia. In 1913, modern Greece and her Balkan allies partitioned Macedonia.
Is Macedonia Greek or Slavic?
The Ancient Macedonians were Hellenes, and ancient Macedonia is today mostly in the Greek region of Macedonia. ... If you mean FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), then the answer is Slavic. They speak a Slavic language which is Macedonian and closely related to Bulgarian and they are Slavs.
Is Macedonia a part of Greece?
Macedonia, as a geographic area, is a land around Thessaloniki, that is now divided between Greece, Bulgaria, Albania and FYROM. For Greeks, Macedonia is a northern part of Greece. ... Its southern part (south of Thessaloniki, Chalkidiki peninsula and Thasos island) were 90% Greek.
Vanga (pbuh) did meet with h*tler right?
Mиcтepиoзниoт aнeкc и вaжнocтa нa Бyкypeшкиoт дoгoвop: Дaли oвa e виcтинcкaтa пpичинa зoштo Гpцијa бpзa дa гo пpoмeни имeтo нa Maкeдoнијa?!
listen to me skopjens, ur died
don't attak rasha
rasha is 1st world and will defeat germoni
t. realnie-novosty in 1946
Дa, oвo e
based sotiris
odakle si? Jas sum od severna makedonija
why again do greeks claim macedonia as theirs? dont get me wrong the country macedonia is in no way related to the ancient one, but didnt Alexander indeed fight Greeks?
greeks pay repertetions
So did Spartans and Athenians, for way longer. Also it was his father who subjugated the city states in the south