Justin will get arrested soon

Screencap this.
Justin Sun has violated US securities laws countless times. He keeps pumping his shitcoin illegally and promising investors TRX will appreciate. Just look at his pinned tweet. He's based in San Francisco, thus he should be complying with US law.

Old whales are seriously pissed with his behavior and want to knock Tron off the top 10.

Attached: justin sun.jpg (400x400, 21K)

Any person with a brain knows this. 99.99% of coins are shit scams. By 2020 only 2-3 will be legitimate.

Everyone above a 100 IQ knows tron is a scam, brainlet

Lol are you guys really this stupid

People who brag about their IQ's are really losers.

Stephen hawking said this.

Hell, look at all the people who do have high IQ's on paper and actually believe in socialism.

I believe it was Stalin who said that the people who hype them up as being smart are really the shit of the country.

Yeah, they honestly believe this is all an ultra elaborate scam by Justin Sun and Jack Ma.
Never listen to Jow Forums

It's not an elaborate scam, Sun is just acting retarded and knowingly violating securities law

Kek, I'm not normally the one who cries FUD but holy fuck. You really think the US is going to do anything about some Chinese CEO hyping up his coin. They struggle to preside over their current precinct.

Trump posts more outrageous shit.

securities law has no basis in crypto outside of ICO regulations.

>Why are you brainlets wasting your time with chainlink when you could 10x'ed your money with Tron like me?

You think the government cares ? lmao go look at trumps twitter

You're retarded if you don't think a majority of cryptoccurrencies won't be regulated as securities in the near future

Trump is the president, dipshit. Obviously they're not going after him for securities law violations.


I bought today at 930sat selling in the inevitable pump in the coming days.

stay poor.

The near future has NOTHING to do with the present. The fact is as of RIGHT NOW it's an unregulated market. Stop being a little bitch screaming for regulation. If you can't handle it gtfo.

He's actually in the US?
>Tfw shills can shill but aren't smart enough to safeguard themselves from the results of that shill

>Chinese CEO
He is based in the US and defrauding American investors.

>He's actually in the US?
Yes, San Francisco.

>The fact is as of RIGHT NOW it's an unregulated market.
It isn't. The SEC has made it crystal clear that securities regulations apply to crypto. They will start enforcing those regulations soon.

>They will start enforcing those regulations soon.
Not before TRX pumps in the next 10 days. Gotta pull the ole In-and-Out with coins like TRX. Right now is the time to get in. Next week is the time to pull out. I'll be long gone by the time the SEC does anything to Capri Pants Sun.

We're self regulated in crypto country faggot kys