
Dreaming away your life

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Where’d all the homo flirting between the American and Mexican go?

the american one is smoking weed with his gf
the mexican one is here

they're all dead

Oh oh

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hes smoking weed with his c*soid gf

Im so drunk right now and it feels so.good even though I'm all alone. Someone I used to know who declined me on a date is probably with her bf right now, but I'm drunk and happy so I don't care. Mixed a big can of Poppers with bacardi rum and it's like heaven, can't feel pain except some throbing in the forhead but it's like waves ya know

What word is this

why did you ask someone with a bf on a date?


It was before

I wish I had pale skin

I wish I aged better

Overrated it looks "pretty" in some lighting and sickly in other lighting plus you always have to worry about skin cancer.

Are you going bald?

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Yeah but I still hate having skin that looks like poopy

I'm so schizo lmao

Done, the real """"""""""""""""""""""""""fertility magic""""""""""" (not magic) time will be later this week though.

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only people who are extremely pale look sickly, most white people look okay

No but when I look at the mirror I see a tired sack of shit, hate the bags under my sunken eyes


Wish I looke exactly like this

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>cervical mucus

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why isn't janny deleting this thread

I thought a girl I knew pisted here

imhe (as someone who is very fair) the skin takes on the color of the light. So yellowed or greenish light causes a sickly effect.

He's dreaming rn


i mean i look different in yellow or green lightning, too. it's not like being dark makes you show up as one color in every pic you take.

My skin is brown in the summer but sickly white in the winter, having brown hair and eyes doesn't help

are you 31yo boomer?

wish i could go back time...

post pics

Reason why they always need new jannies is this--new jannie full of hopes and dreams comes on, deletes a ton of threads, so exciting, such a power trip---but then it gets old. Not as fun. He's doing it for free but he'd rather be making hot pockets and watchin anime instead. Logs on less and less and less.

So then they need new jannies.

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to when?

Yea please dont bully

to the good old days...

watching cam whores and being miserable

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>being sober feels like i'm idling/emotionless most of the time although it's kind of comfy
>i'm in that state the majority of the time
>only feel like i'm truly living life if i'm doing drugs or drinking
Is this normal?

should I vote for Ted or Beto

literally who

Hate how she posts her drawings and her love descriptions, it really pisses me off you know


whoever is the democrat

2 Texas guys, Ted was the zodiac killer meme


>white guy
Um, what?

There were never any good old days, they are today, they are tomorrow.

It's a stupid thing we say, cursing tomorrow with sorrow

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I dream of entering the medical school and knowing the world and its infinite knowledge.

Why is he flirting with you if he has a gf

whoever is the dem

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are you singing that 21 pilots song

dont know ask him

In the future, these'll be the good ol days!

rude desu

If she knew she would have done something by niw

yes, i only know that part

but if you were asking seriously, maybe when i was 12yo

Sorry, I've just been around too many pre-med students in my life

>alpha generation will be nostalgic about the 10's which they barely lived in

those were indeed good times

I still thinking 2000 sounds futuristic.

wonder how many (you)s ive missed out on by filtering germans for all these years

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Man life would have been so much better if we were born in this era

you certainly haven't missed anything worth reading

my memory starts in 2001
what about you?

No user, start asking if you want the rest of your life to be like this.
Ask yourself what you like and make happy and do it so that one day you turn to look back and feel satisfied with the results.

If we were born in this era social isolation wouldn't exist


what? why?

1991 is the earliest year I really remember. Hitting 2000 was a really big deal.

Imagine seeing someone you likeget fucked in every position and all of a sudden yiu can't see it anymore

seek professional help before you waste your entire existence

0-4 mcdonalds
5-9 wendys
Dubs subway

Life is great

I remember watching pricess Diana's car all fucked up on tv

I was a mistake

i was born 97 so like 2003

It really is, overall. The pain is well outweighed by what is beautiful and good

It's beautiful seeing your love ger pounded

Sorry i didnt wanna use my trip

anyways i cant decide between mcdonalds n wendys lads
also tomorrow im going to some halloween meme shit at universal has anyone been there

that's when i was born

how do zoomers even find out about Jow Forums.

sw*de caught

doesnt mean you need to waste the opportunity you were given

pedobear brought me here in 2009 when i was 12 been using it ever since

does it feel weird that there are people itt whose memories start when you were 10?

Still have no reply
4 months and no reply

facebook in 2014 lmao

what is the starting year for zoomers

True brah thanks for the wise words brohime


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if you dont remember 9/11 you are a zoomer

Getting drunk feels really fucking good

'94 since I was (1.5)
Or was it 1995?