Passive Income General [PIG]

I'm sick of getting paid just a salary and hourly, what are some good ways to earn an extra $5-$10 a day extra with some set up. I'm open to all ideas; setting up small websites, running certain crypto nodes, hiring a pajeet to do everything that I do at work while I jerk off in the bathroom. I dont care, all ideas are worth listening to.

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Bean Cash

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Yea, great suggestion. Thanks...

I make about 100$ a week in sprouts.




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Honestly, I wouldn't like this thread to become a bitbean thread. I'm very dissatisfied with life and I think this thread becoming a bitbean thread will make me kill myself.

Then invest in another crypto that gives passive gains you dunce.

spoken like a nobeaner. You realize how much bean holders make a day, right?

But to be serious, why not invest in some good masternodes?

I guess dropshipping a niche product is another good passive income

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hold NEO and don't fucking sell it.

Mining if you already have a gaming PC.

Good advice.


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Would it work to buy ads on tinder and sell sex toys you bought from Alibaba for a profit?

Only if it's for male sex toys. Women on there are overwhelmed with dick and don't need to masturbate.

Yeah male sex toys. I have about 1.5k in capital to work with here

these passive income threads are stupid, they should be entrepreneurship threads.

passive income is a meme and you can only get it from very few things, dropshipping is not passive income, google adwords is not passive income, etc.

Whats up with NEO? In April I claimed gas 2 times, I just checked my NEON wallet for the first time in May and it has 0.000 gas to claim. Where muh gains.

Dividends you dumb cucks


check on neotracker

I think the whole concept that you will stop working one day is the problem. People die when they retire. What I'm aiming for is semi-retirment

My plan is to have two or three little businesses with a management team, but I'll stop in to each one once a week and take the manager to lunch, just to keep on top of everything, check the books, make sure they're not fucking it all up or stealing from me. Then spend the other four days playing golf or whatever.

Today I realised I could be making 5+btc a month if I had only listened to bitbean shills months ago.

Why would you not just make 12% daily with p3d

i think competent enough managers would just be doing it themselves, meaning you will not find these magical business owners to run things as fined tuned as you need them.

meaning you will need to keep an eye and probably work hard on each individual business. which would just be retarded in the end. and you'd be better off just focusing on one high performing thing, getting amazingly efficient at it to the point that you can be a detached boss because it's been, after tons of struggle, been greased into an efficient machine.

Lmao rip I meant 12% weekly p3d isn’t that good yet. Wait till fomo3d and it will be.


thanks, i see I have unclaimed gas, I need to download a newer version of the wallet

enjoying the divis while waiting for my new favorite pastime

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KuCoins KCS token gives you passive income daily.

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P3D is open, honest and really works. Pretty low now, too!

What do you lads think about a ZCoin masternode? I think it’s about 30% ROI. Seems damn good about now when everything is getting fucked in the dick.

P3D(Powh3D). I bought in and just held and I made 5x back my initial investment over a few months. Plus the token price which if I sold all I could make another 15x. But eh, I'm reinvesting cause of FOMO3D coming soon which will skyrocket the price and therefore even moar dividends.

All you gotta do is to know the game, to shill time to time, and to HODL. Easiest money of my life since I'm chill enough to not freak out when it goes up and down. -- Check out the wiki, and understand the game and you'll be way above 90% of retards that don't read before throwing a month's paycheck into it.

Attached: waves.jpg (750x660, 542K) will make you $5/day if you’re willing to put in $250 but nobody here has $250 so just rent out your dirty asshole, boi

AMB nigga! All you need is a 10k node. That's not even $5k right now.

>passive income
yeah right
start a business and become self-employed
soon you'll be making more an hour than you would as a wage slave

also the average business owner is dumb as fuck
if you're not a brainlet you have a huge competitive advantage right there
i come from a computer programming background and even the normie programmers look like fucking geniuses compared to most people in other industries

wait so 1% daily in divs on p3d is not enough? >lmfao biz hates money

You copy/pasted your spam comment wrong, your masters will be displeased shiller.

top kek OP ironically made a ponzi thread. all these pajeets came out the woodworks. Jow Forums is total shit now.

dassa scam

Read, negro. It's been up for months and no exit scam, no hacks, nothing. It's been so successful that it's been cloned half a dozen times(Although the clone devs always exit scam within a few days). And it's a smart contract that'll exist indefinitely, and can't be modified to put in any exit scam code. That's how it works.

If you need to be spoonfed just ask in the discord.

only way you can make 'passive' income is blackhat shit and even that isn't completely passive

Is it too late to get in on POWH3D? This is like a cooperative high interest savings account without the bank. Hope it survives

Shill me on some masternode coins. I'm considering Bitbean.

You lose more money on POWH through the devaluing of the tokens than you gain from dividends. Those contracts are only good if everyone's buying in and not selling out.

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From their quarterly dividend payout to their token hodlers, I was just paid 4 eth from them. Check the token's contract address for proof.

How much ether did you put in for that kind of return, user?

Spent 2 years on a non nigger pajeet spec android game and making over 10k a month in revenue

Really? 2 years is a long ass time though.
Did you literally spend 40hours/week for 2 years to make this one game or what?

Zencash, 42 zen for a node, 500 for a supernode.

Stakenet, 25mill marketcap, 15k for a masternode, or you can just stake them offline in the wallet with literally 0 setup, just type in a merchant adress and press stake.

just invest in PoS coins like BAY and host nodes like Blocknet nodes

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Come over to /smg/, it's super comfy. Unless you get triggered by trip- and namefags, that is.

Hold 1,000,000 BNK in a secure eth wallet and your kids and grandkids wont need to work

The token at it's lowest point was valued at about 2 cents. And the dividend per token was exactly 2.17 cents per token. I bought them around 2 cents. So I put in about $3000. They'll have also have an exchange, and will also increase their mining operations. So the dividends per token will continue to increase.

so make them partners eventually