Is this the worlds worst time to get rich if you can't pinpoint the fucks going to cause the crash?
Micheal Burry I am not.
>pic related what im going to buy
Is this the worlds worst time to get rich if you can't pinpoint the fucks going to cause the crash?
Micheal Burry I am not.
>pic related what im going to buy
If you're not getting rich off crypto, you're objectively mentally retarded. When all the markets crash all the money is gonna flow into crypto in panic.
It'll go into gold, silver, and oil. Why the fuck would it go into crypto? Commodities. Put your money there.
>people are gonna want internet money when fiat devalues
Holy shit everyone here is 15 how have I been this fucking stupid
Literally the only and easiest solution is to buy real money .... gold.
That's how you make it in the coming deflationary collapse of all asset prices
OP, tax cuts won't cause the recession, this shit is long overdue, tax cuts is what (((they))) will use to blame the collapse on Trump. He inherited this mess, he didn't create it. Blame The Fed.
It's all going to flow into gold and silver bullion you stupid fucking milennia retard autist.
When this market crash happens it's not going to be some simple market correction. The dollar is going to gold this time.
Buy 5 ounces of gold. Wait for the dollar to implode and then buy 5 homes free and clear.
it's the whole reason satoshi nokomoto made bitcoin. so that SOMETHING can survive an economic crash
for what reason would any money go into crypto? what's here except for erc20 scams and a failed digital cash system?
The recession coming was borne the last 10 years of criminally suppressed 0% interest rates and all the cheap money injected into the system.
Tax cuts are just the scapegoat to blame trump.
How the fuck could keeping more or your own money cause a recession. Well... it actually can unironically because fiat money is a scam.
Keynes himself said.... "when govt refrains from regulation(taxation) the worthlessness of the money becomes apparent and the fraud can no longer be concealed."
That's what gold is for. Jesus, you are hardcore retarded, aren't you?
this is legit the most retarded shit I've ever heard in my life
>Opinion discarded
he's anti keynes
you idiot
Like I said above... unironically tax cuts will actually cause the recession. Not because that's what actually happens in a sane economy.... but because we are in a fraud fiat money system. So technically tax cuts will cause the recession.... but in a sound economy with sound money... which nobody understands anymore... tax cuts obv wouldn't cause a recession.
Fiat money feeds the monster.
It's the reason congress won't cut a fucking cent from spending. It's not because they don't want to but it's because they can't actually.
And now you see all these congressman retiring because they know what's coming
tell satoshi he's retarded then
No you dumbass. I'm
Not Keynesian..... I'm telling you what Keynes OPENLY said! Keynes unirOnically said what would happen under his system if taxes were cut.
He literally said the worthlessness of the money will become apparent under his fraud system if taxes were cut
You're right, faggot. I read it too quick. Good catch.
I tend to agree with you
but we've been waiting for this peter schiff ron paul inflationary collapse for 10 fucking years now and yet the economy keeps going
No prob happens to the best of us
Sorry, my nig nog, I was mixed up.
I would if I could. Bitch.
Stop being so self important. 8-10 years is a nothing time frame in the grand scheme of things. It's basically 2 college cycles.
When we started QE and stimulus up the ass.... the fed still had bullets and the dollar was still relatively strong in its position as the worlds reserve currency. Things are changing now.
Also... china and Russia probably didn't want shit to collapse 10 years ago. Now they are more hedged because they have been accumulating gold in record tonnage.
Fucking this! China is probably going to back RMB with gold soon, and then WWIII. America takes out everyone that tries to peg their currency to gold, but good luck with China.
oh look, its THIS gold fag again
I think they're going to keep trying to keep this shit stable.
Their might not be another major recession.
Moreover.... I think it's actually unironically going to be a clean reset. Comes has been keeping the price of gold suppressed for china to accumulate...
BUT.... we do know that JP Morgan has been accumulating and I think the US govt has been to or they can take it from JP Morgan too.
And I think what will happen is you will have a gold overnight regulation. Where gold is 20k per ounce or something... so china gets rich.......
But at the same time their will be an agreement where the gold to silver ratio goes back down to its historical norm of 16 to 1....... instead of the outrageous 80 to 1 that it is now.
Go to and in the bottom right hand corner gold is undervalued but silver is WAYYY undervalued.
JP Morgan and us govt accumulating silver is what I meant to say above
>pic related what im going to buy
G-gay stocks?
Shut up faggot and go back to accumulating your TRON
The major recession is actually happening now. People are being suffocated. Just look at this board. People dying for moonshots to bear inflation.
Even if some of these faggots had a job making 80k a year they'd still be poor.
The longer they keep it going to more homeless camps you'll see.
and the more people will be brainwashed into desiring socialism
The US GOVT hasn't been accumulating gold! They've been selling that shit for decades! Ft. Knox is empty. Politicians decades ago sold us all down the river. We're fucked in America. The only way we have any gold, is we confiscate what we store for other countries.
Accumulating silver I meant. China accumulates gold with comex keeping prices cheap. And on return we accumulate silver and when the reset happens the gold to silver ratio goes back down to 16 to 1 compared to the 80 or so to 1 that its at right now
If digits they go all in on chainlink.
Almost every person I talk to who is under 40 is looking forward to the next crash so they can finally buy a house or some kind of investments. This means demand is high for these things. I think the fact many people want a crash is the surest indication a crash is nowhere near.
maybe its just that youre surrounded by such people?
the main sentiment i noticed is definitely exuberant. whenever i mention the coming recession to anyone i know i get laughed at and fed bullshit numbers, like the soaring sandp, djia and real estate. most fuckers dont realize thats exactly what happens before the bubble pops and keep buying stuff on credit: most people i know (25-40 yo range) have a mortgage, student debt, has bought a car, newest iphone/ipad/macbook/home assistant on credit, etc. again, thats exactly what happens before the pop.
The US has a lot of unmined gold, gold is not as rare as you would think.
>thinking a recession would cause the world to implode
>must be underage
the economy is literally the most bullish ive seen in 10 years
This is r/bitcoin levels of deluded
>why have cars when we already have horses
How fucking boomer can you be, cunt?
> the economy is literally the most bullish ive seen in 10 years
> most bullish ive seen in 10 years
> in 10 years...
fucking retarded newfag
if you dont understand or need help
its easiest to tell by commodity (especially oil) prices rising alot lately despite rates returning to normal
oh yeah, we all remember the golden bull of 2008
we're not even close to in the same situation we were back in 2008, thats why prices rising is a very bullish sign for the economy
theres been lots of regulations and preventions done in the last 10years to not repeat the same mistakes
blackswan event that'll trigger the biggest green dildo in coinbase coins. sign me up potus.
>pic related what im going to buy
good choice, the tradition must go on
>this time it's different!
exactly what people say just before popping.
gl with your bull user, just don't forget to lube your sweet little asshole before getting raped by bears.
Dude, you're delusional. There are as many people losing money right now as those who get money.
Gold is far better for general bear markets than crypto ever will be. Money will flow into crypto during bank runs and bailouts, like what happened in 2008. Except next time it will be a bail-in, which will make crypto look even better.
I mean it literally is a deflationary asset. It simulates the scarcity of gold. It currently meets all the criteria of a good store of value. I also hold precious metals in case shit hits the fan, but I don’t think it’s retarded to assume people won’t use btc to preserve value especially after seeing Venezuela and Zimbabwe as use cases for crypto in hyper inflationary situations
>thinking speculators have any impact on economic developements
>stuck in crypto world
>pakis everywhere
Never forget which board you're on.
Pic relevant af
Objective retards detected